Example sentences of "as she stared [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Tonight she was smiling as she stared up at the screen , and Buddie had given her money .
2 As she stared up at the height a voice spoke from behind her , and she turned to discover that Silas Wilder had followed her down the track .
3 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she began to apologise as she turned the lock and pulled back the door , ‘ I should have — ’ Then she stopped , speechless , as she stared up at the tall figure of Robert Sheldrake .
4 She felt no surprise at hearing Luke 's voice — indeed , she felt nothing but a cold numbness as she stared round at the ruins of her home .
5 As she stared unseeingly at the advertisements in yet another newsagent 's window Folly felt the old anger come surging back .
6 Carrie leaned back in her chair and rubbed the tips of her fingers across her forehead as she stared down at the mass of papers on the kitchen table .
7 Still , she reflected soberly as she stared down at the water , being on the boat had at least served to clarify her thoughts in one direction .
8 ‘ Go on where ? ’ she asked bitterly as she stared blindly through the mud-spattered windscreen .
9 The ‘ how ’ of it occupied her mind as she stared out of the window , yet she had come to no definite conclusions when the sonorous drone of the engines made her eyelids start to droop .
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