Example sentences of "as she step [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I stared at her , transfixed , as she stepped over to the scaly green cupboard where she kept all of her books .
2 The station was practically empty of people and Emily felt so alone as she stepped on to the train .
3 As she stepped on to the tongue of buckled metal , Bernice looked back .
4 ‘ Twelve o'clock ! ’ he called out as she stepped on to the pavement ; then he was gone , the little green car melding into the rest of the traffic and rapidly becoming lost to sight .
5 The building might be old , but this was no cheap accommodation , she observed as she stepped on to the landing .
6 Lindsey gasped as she stepped on to the deck and was hit by a wave of cold air .
7 She blinked as she stepped back into the office , closing her eyes against the sudden change of light .
8 A woman was driving and she parked beside our land-cruiser , nodding to us briefly as she stepped out onto the road and flung a series of questions at the Indian , half in Spanish and half in a more guttural tongue , which I took to be Quechua .
9 As she stepped out into the dark night she thought of the gloomy squalor of Bacon Buildings and the smile left her face .
10 Sabrina zipped up her anorak as she stepped out into the cold night air and rummaged in her pockets for the keys to the Audi Coupe .
11 ‘ Your choice , ’ Liston reminded her as she stepped out into the air .
12 Glancing back over her shoulder as she stepped out into the pounding heat of the afternoon , she saw that Stephanie Marsa was watching them go .
13 The twins , David and Michael , had been prowling about in the front garden waiting for the sight of Belinda 's car , and as soon as she stepped out into the driveway and came up the path to the house they raced ahead of her inside to relay the news of her arrival , without even saying hello to her .
14 Alain was beside her as she stepped out into the sunlight and his hand closed around her arm .
15 Gently but firmly , careful not to wake the child , Jake took Kirsty from her as she stepped out into the corridor .
16 ‘ There is nothing to explain , ’ she said coldly as she stepped out of the car .
17 As she stepped out of the front door , Alexandra felt like a bird finding its cage door opportunely left open .
18 Rune was waiting for her in the foyer as she stepped out of the lift .
19 As she stepped out of the bathroom she stole a quick glance at the bed , just to check that Kirsty was still sleeping .
20 Famous last words , she thought to herself , as she stepped out of the lift on to the second-floor landing of the luxury block of flats where she lived .
21 Ruth exhaled a hugh sigh of relief as she stepped out of the hotel foyer into fierce sunlight and a wall of hot air hit her after the cool of the air-conditioning .
22 Hailed as the next Sophia Loren , the dark-eyed Italian is set to take the fashion world by storm as she steps out in the latest clothes by rainwear company Four Seasons .
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