Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] of mind [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 An apt description of Elizabeth 's cast of mind in the very years when her first biography was planned and written was given by Rudolf Steiner in 1900 .
2 Experts remain divided on the question of Dr Proctor 's state of mind during the period when he is confirmed to have been responsible for seven hundred and fifty-three homicides , but the Supreme Court has ruled him insane and irresponsible .
3 Mr Justice Vinelott , allowing the inspector 's appeal , said that the question of uncertainty in relation to s 247(8) could not be determined by reference to the inspector 's state of mind at the time when the assessment was made .
4 ‘ But the proof of Elvis 's state of mind at the time of his death is there in his own words .
5 Other critical statements made about a plaintiff are irrelevant unless they shed light on the defendant 's state of mind at the time he wrote the article which gave rise to the action .
6 If some uncertainty surrounds the last stage of the book 's genesis , we can at least say something about its author 's state of mind on the eve of publication .
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