Example sentences of "she 'd [verb] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd followed him into the Rockingham public house by the Elephant and Castle .
2 A SUPERMARKET assistant recognised a man who tried to pay for goods with a stolen credit card — because she 'd seen him as a strippergram .
3 Oh fine , yet Jo was just saying on the phone there that she 'd seen him in a catalogue .
4 Lucy reckoned that , for the man in charge , he had some staggeringly dull tasks to handle ; she 'd seen him in the stockroom once , counting every bottle in every crate of tonic water .
5 She 'd invited him round the previous evening and things had n't gone at all as he 'd hoped .
6 She 'd heard him at the glass door — a double knock , very light .
7 Yeah , I could n't even fight the thought that she 'd asked him at no what I mean .
8 ‘ Have you not heard of Resenence Jeopardy ? ’ she 'd asked him on the first day of their acquaintance .
9 She had the fleeting impression that she 'd caught him on the raw .
10 She 'd taken him from the town and the friends that he knew and she 'd brought him to this great , dusty mausoleum of a place where he did n't even like to run around because the echo of his footsteps sounded too much like someone faceless who was following too close .
11 She 'd spotted him for the first time three weekends ago when she 'd walked out on to the nightclub stage to perform her warm-up spot for the star turn of the evening .
12 It did n't hurt that much , but he pretended she 'd got him in the balls , hoping for a little wifely penitence .
13 That she 'd introduced him to the Fletchers to keep him there … well , she deserved it .
14 She 'd told him about the looks aimed at her by Adam 's teachers .
15 Miranda thought of M. Apéritif last night , and decided she would let him go further when she next saw him , in spite of the lizard darting of his small and oddly hard tongue in the kiss she 'd allowed him at the door of the hotel .
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