Example sentences of "they could [adv] [verb] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 One frog croaked , and then another , and then they could n't hear each other speak .
2 Later , my mother told me they had to lip read : they could n't hear each other speak for the noise of the looms .
3 They could n't hear each other .
4 Not only do children live in separate houses , they often move many miles from their parents in order to follow work or careers , and the mutual support they could formerly give each other has been accordingly diminished .
5 When the two sides had carefully sounded each other out , and all parties had ordered two rounds of drinks , they had what the agent called ‘ a very in-depth substantive discussion about very sensitive material ’ , which grew louder and louder as the band did ; in the end they could scarcely hear each other when they leaned across the table and shouted .
6 Perhaps it was just that Gildas was closest , he understood most , and although their friendship was impregnable , they could still hurt each other .
7 In the cold dawn , with the wind pushing them so that they could hardly face each other , the King and his wife met on the slope above the battered hall .
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