Example sentences of "they [vb mod] put [art] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They may put the blame entirely on the teenagers for failing to respond to their advice or orders as they once did , but the fault may be theirs for failing to treat them as the young adults they have now become .
2 Finally , they should put the toy away .
3 No , but if Fran walks in , if Fran walks in they 'll just put , they 'll put a toy on and they 'll take it out
4 Well they , they 'll put a condition on as well .
5 See lot lot of these jobs are done by the tide , say you take a ship now what 's been sunk in the river , at low tide they 'll put the wires underneath , make them fast to the ships and when the tide when the t t tide rise out come the ship , and they can take it where they want to .
6 ‘ They 'll hold a properly hit shot , but they 'll be quick enough to test even the Swede , and they 'll put the wind up some of ‘ em . ’
7 They could put the sheet up on the wall of John 's living room with Blu-Tack and anybody could see his next shift at a glance .
8 They could put the road-closure down to a burst water-main — enough to deter the local small-town reporters .
9 And afterwards they 'd put the bulb back . ’
10 But I did n't think they would put the band back together ; David had mentioned it a couple of times but I had n't really taken him that seriously .
11 Erm , one other thing that I want to make about erm , the victims , erm , I am very much er , involved with erm , victim support Wiltshire , and one of the problems with victim support Wiltshire is their work is increasing all the time because the crime rate goes up , and every time there is more crime there is more victims , but the , the Government has not yet said that they will put the money up that they erm , that they er , the grant up that they give to the victim support .
12 They will put the moment off for as long as possible or refuse to acknowledge that it is coming along and then protest that they were not told .
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