Example sentences of "she [vb past] as if [pron] 'd " in BNC.

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1 Frankly , she looked as if she 'd got a few bundles of twelve-page letters stuffed up her woolly even now .
2 So when her son married and his wife had a baby girl she felt as if she 'd regained the daughter she 'd lost .
3 Bewildered , she felt as if she 'd stepped back into a dark cave and was falling into the unknown .
4 She felt as if she 'd just escaped a raging tornado , flung to one side just in time .
5 She felt as if she 'd already been questioned on the rack , and fitzAlan had n't even tried to force any definite answers out of her .
6 She felt as if she 'd been dipped in slime .
7 The relief of escaping from his company was so intense that she felt as if she 'd been wired up to an electric charge for the last few hours and someone had finally taken pity on her and turned off the power .
8 She felt as if she 'd uncovered a dark pit of long-buried feelings , and she was terrified of peering too far inside in case she could n't cope with the contents …
9 She gasped as if he 'd struck her , astounded beyond belief by the cool cruelty of his words .
10 ‘ Great minds think alike , ’ she said as if she 'd invented the aphorism .
11 She wrote as if she 'd hated me all my life . ’
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