Example sentences of "she [verb] out [prep] [art] window " in BNC.

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1 She gazed out of the window , rehearsing conversational gambits .
2 Kicking off her sandals , she curled her legs up beside her , running slim fingers absently along the silky golden skin of her shins , her grey eyes unfocused as she gazed out of the window .
3 She gazed out of the window aware now of how close they were to the centre of the city and Rune 's apartment .
4 She peered out of the window again , hoping that she might perhaps have imagined the scene below , but Miss Hardbroom had not moved and was now almost hidden from view by the smoke .
5 As the sun begins to rise she glances out of the window and recalls how she chose this film from all the offers which came pouring in after success on the small screen and on record .
6 She glanced out of the window into the dark as the pilot entered the cabin .
7 She glanced out of the window , to see that the wintry sun was already low in the sky .
8 She glanced out of the window at the empty pavement .
9 Self-conscious beneath his narrow-eyed scrutiny , she glanced out of the window again .
10 She glanced out of the window as they drew into Kensal Green station .
11 Robyn thought as she glanced out of the window , re-reading the sign that gave her enormous satisfaction every time she had occasion to see it .
12 She stared out of the window and saw the stars and a bright moon .
13 Turning her back on him , she stared out of the window .
14 She stared out of the window again , but this time could n't see any movement at all .
15 She stared out of the window , disturbed .
16 She stared out of the window and thought she could write a book in the time it was taking them to get to Nice , which really was just around the corner .
17 Something in that reminded her of Clare and she stared out of the window , frowning , as she tried to think what it was .
18 The ‘ how ’ of it occupied her mind as she stared out of the window , yet she had come to no definite conclusions when the sonorous drone of the engines made her eyelids start to droop .
19 She nodded , disappointed that he was being so matter-of-fact , and , pulling herself together , she stared out of the window as the headlights shone on the hedges and fields of the countryside they were passing through .
20 She looked out of the window ; , the view was of the sea .
21 Towelling herself , she looked out of the window , and paused as she noticed two figures climbing up a path that wound up the side of the mountain .
22 ANNE Garwood was horrified when she looked out of the window and saw her husband taking in the milk .
23 It was Aggie 's day to visit the outskirts , but as she looked out of the window on to the patch of grass that was welcoming the steady downpour , she said , half to herself , ‘ It 's a good job I 'm not forced to go out , ’ and a voice in her mind added , ‘ You need never go again if you do n't want to . ’
24 She looked out of the window .
25 She looked out of the window and saw the brown strip of plough , and then the line of willows marking the river , and then the green slopes rising , dotted now with the first sheep of the year .
26 She looked out of the window .
27 She looked out of the window , but could see nothing except the darkness .
28 She looked out of the window .
29 She looked out of the window at the fast-approaching twilight .
30 She looked out of the window but hardly seemed to register what she saw .
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