Example sentences of "she [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] room " in BNC.

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1 After another fond peep at his sleeping face , she crept out of the room , softly closed the door , and gathering up her skirt in order not to trip over the hem on the way down the stairs , swiftly retraced her steps back to the kitchen and Cissie .
2 And with that , the taunts of the Weasel 's wife still ringing in her ears , vinegar words , she had felt so good about her allegations , now storming tears , humiliation — and not a little frightened — she fled through to the room .
3 She darted out of the room .
4 She came back into the room and shut and locked the door .
5 Marguerite looked a trifle anxiously at Jenna as she came back into the room .
6 She came out of the room , pulling her bag of soiled linen , and because she was n't looking where she was going , almost cannoned into a tall dark girl .
7 She came out of the room , leaving the light on .
8 Desperately , she turned back towards the room and tried to apply her mind to more practical matters .
9 She danced out of the room , and her mother and brother could hear her singing as she ran upstairs .
10 She rushed out of the room and into the garden , determined not to return to the house until her mother had apologised .
11 ‘ What rubbish you talk , ’ his mother said and she walked out of the room with her ironing .
12 And she walked out of the room with something of the same wary insistence on normality .
13 She walked out of the room and went to her own room , seething with rage , humiliation and a great sense of desolation .
14 Jorge suddenly appeared at the door and Maggie did not wait to hear any answer ; she walked out of the room , scooping up her bag and swinging it over her shoulder , quite satisfied that this time Felipe de Santis had come off worst .
15 She walked out of the room with the dark eyes following her .
16 I should hate a sister said Sally , I would n't share my mother with anyone , she walked out of the room her face as wooden as ever , the girls were really puzzled , she 's a funny one said Irene , hardly ever says anything , all closed up , somehow , but sometimes those closed up people burst open suddenly and then look out , well I 'll shall certainly write and tell mother she 's mistaken said Daryl and she did so .
17 She stepped in to the room on the soft carpet and said loudly in French , ‘ What the hell do you think you 're doing ? ’
18 She glanced back into the room .
19 He does n't seem to realize = ’ Her sentence hung as she looked back down the room to where Oliver and Linda were standing alone .
20 All right , I am silly , I 'll feed the doggies , " she drifted out of the room .
21 She went out of the room and I dragged a stool over to the mirror .
22 As she went out of the room carrying her plate and the cutlery , he stepped towards Aggie , saying softly , ‘ What d' you make of her ?
23 She went out of the room while he spoke on the telephone .
24 And she went out of the room , leaving Clare and Bryony facing one another over two thousand five hundred sheets of paper that had to be folded by Friday .
25 She went out of the room but returned almost immediately .
26 She went out of the room longing to slam the door as she often did at home , but she did n't dare to here .
27 She went back into the room , and closed the door .
28 His deep , even breathing told her he had fallen asleep again , so she slipped out of the room and left him to it .
29 She ran out of the room , down the stairs to her parents ' bedroom .
30 She lurched off across the room , reaching for the wall to steady herself , and disappeared upstairs .
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