Example sentences of "this sort of thing [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Is it , can we attribute this sort of thing to the erm areas of drought , the areas of flooding that are occurring in various parts of the world at the moment , and all these sorts of things , and we have branches looking into this .
2 Is this sort of thing on the increase because the authorities are more aware of the need to control and manipulate the photographers , or to present them with carefully chosen opportunities and photographers are under increasing pressures ?
3 I wonder why people hung this sort of thing on the wall to be looked at day after day .
4 There are various former members of the BBC who believe that I was the instigator of the action against them , but unlike politicians I bear this sort of thing with a great deal of tolerance , taking what I think is a sensible view that one can not make omelettes without breaking eggs .
5 I 'm at the moment chairing a university working party on sexual harassment erm and what this working party erm intends to do is to try to survey experience gathered from the operation of codes and the appointment of people in college with a special responsibility for this sort of thing over the past few years , to see what we can learn from experience , so I 'd want to reserve judgement at the moment on what this committee might recommend is the best way forwards .
6 ‘ Now we 'll be able to get back to normal and replace the plaque , although we 'll have to make sure it 's bolted down so no one does this sort of thing in the future .
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