Example sentences of "with the aid of [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Making expressive music with the aid of such devices is easy : just switch the quantisation off and treat the sequencer exactly as you would a multi-track tape recorder .
2 With the aid of such measurements it will be possible to accurately observe the behaviour of matter and produce a statement of cause and effect .
3 With the aid of this vector we can replace unc by unc where unc is the unit vector in the direction of point P at a radius r .
4 The following morning , 19 April , at about 7.30 a.m. , Crabb and ‘ Smith ’ made their way to the dockyard where Crabb changed into his diving gear and , with the aid of some officers from NID , entered the water near the south-west jetty .
5 Normally the building was the repair shop and garage for thirty AMX-10 battle tanks , but for this evening it had been converted into a temporary church with the aid of some camouflage nets , 300 chairs and a platform where a nativity play would be staged , and from which the Priest would read out the lesson .
6 But the good news is , with the aid of these space age products , it 's possible to be prettier than ever before .
7 With the aid of these books , let us see what glimpses of the past can be vouchsafed to us , what men and events we can create , what manner of ‘ association ’ is established .
8 Two of the Brigadier 's boys were working with them and one of them was giving a complicated description of some distant patch of ground with the aid of both arms .
9 With the aid of another architect friend , a metallurgist and a professor of mechanical engineering from Bristol University , and assistance from the research and development department of Aerospatiale , they designed a steel and glass conservatory in the style of the period , but with many modern and labour-saving features , such as a reversible entrance , hermetically-sealed casements , low-voltage common-earth infra-red lighting and a sprinkler system that runs entirely on shredded copies of Harpers & Queen .
10 At the time of the competition , he was designing his own house , Foxwarren Park in Surrey , with the aid of another architect , Frederick Barnes of Ipswich .
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