Example sentences of "not necessarily [art] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble with all these lines is that when you get to a length exceeding about fifty miles ( 80km ) , the curvature of the Earth begins to become significant : a straight line on the map is not necessarily a straight line on the ground .
2 Commenting on this guideline in Capricorn Inks Pty Ltd v Lawter International ( Australasia ) Pty Ltd [ 1989 ] 1 Qd R 8 , at 15 , McPherson J said : … the existence of a " dispute " , although a factor , is not necessarily a decisive factor in determining whether arbitration or appraisement is involved .
3 This represented a significant increase in Gloucester 's power in the region , but not necessarily a corresponding decrease in royal authority .
4 This represented a significant increase in Gloucester 's power in the region , but not necessarily a corresponding decrease in royal authority .
5 As experience in the US or UK during the 1980s shows , a small state is not necessarily a weak state despite the rhetoric of claims that a limited state sector restores individual freedom and personal initiative .
6 Thirdly , the stated objectives of such a project are not necessarily a true representation of the motives of those who designed and implemented it .
7 It must be accepted that what we are collecting is people 's answers to questions , which is not necessarily a true picture of their activities .
8 He felt alien , not necessarily a bad thing in itself for an observer .
9 This , however , is not necessarily a fair test of the family 's unpopularity .
10 This , however , is not necessarily a fair test of the family 's unpopularity .
11 There is not necessarily a direct correlation between government ownership and the degree of government control .
12 Dougal was halfway back to the car park before it occurred to him that flight was not necessarily the wisest course of action .
13 profits have continued to represent about one-third of the turnover ; this is seen as not necessarily the highest proportion of profits to income in the headhunting business as a whole , where estimates of 60% have been made in some cases .
14 Yet , as events had invariably shown , numerical superiority in attack was not necessarily the deciding factor in the face of modern artillery and machine-guns .
15 Provision of 52-week accommodation but not necessarily the additional focus on care , or a series of different short-term holiday placements , can lead to fragmentation of the children 's lives and inadequate preparation for the adult world .
16 Personally , apropos of Wedding presents I often think that the deepdye polyester is not necessarily the best buy for newly weds when you come to think about it .
17 While this may not present a problem if the child 's difficulty is perceived as one of understanding syntax , it does emphasise the point that , although LARSP is very detailed , it is not necessarily the best assessment for every child .
18 But to handle them directly , that is , to open up the central issue that arouses the pain , sensationalism or the controversy is not necessarily the best way of protecting children into emotion .
19 But it does appear that asking people what things mean is not necessarily the best way of tapping their semantic knowledge .
20 This is not necessarily the best way of passing on the good news , but it does stir the passers-by to find not the paid priests but the cobbler , the miner , the man who sells meat fritters telling them about Jesus .
21 Secondly , the fortunes of tenants-in-chief or of London aldermen and their families are not necessarily the best guide to trends in the country as a whole .
22 The idea of ‘ opponents ’ and the ‘ winner take-all ’ attitude inherent in it is not necessarily the best form of decision-making for social welfare cases .
23 What the European movement needs to do , the labour movement in Europe , Labour and Socialist Parties in Europe is to monitor the Maastricht Treaty , because it is not necessarily the best thing since sliced bread , there are problems with it .
24 Rildia Bee is easy to spot from any distance because she always wears floor-length dresses of silk brocade and a mink stole — which , air-conditioning or otherwise , is not necessarily the obvious choice of outfit in Fort Worth .
25 This poses problems because the market rate of exchange is not necessarily the ideal measure of the relative values of the goods and services consumed in each country .
26 Compulsive overworking ( workaholism ) or overachieving ( which is not necessarily the same thing at all ) are conditions that lead to much debate .
27 The two are not necessarily the same thing at all .
28 A lot of the problems of alleged and actual extremism by local councils might , of course , be solved by changing the local voting system ( not necessarily the thin end of a nation wedge ) but Mrs Thatcher will never consider that .
29 ‘ More bobbies on the beat gives rise to greater confidence but they are not necessarily an effective use of police time , ’ he said .
30 It is not necessarily an accurate description of the demands of the job , and the skill label may result more from the strength of the trade union or occupational group in maintaining that its members should continue to hold that position , than from a dispassionate assessment of the skill content of the job .
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