Example sentences of "not give [pron] the right [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 In these stories the young characters learn that their greater physical power does not give them the right to treat the little people as playthings or inferiors .
2 What the right-wingers are saying is that we will have the trade unions ' money but we will not give 'em the right to vote .
3 Your card does not give you the right to overdraw your account .
4 ‘ Her Majesty is paying your bills now , not the State , but that does not give you the right to behave any way you like . ’
5 One night and morning did n't give her the right to confess her love when it might just be a burden to him .
6 Still , she thought as she closed the door of the trophy-room , it does n't give him the right to treat me like — She bit off the dreadful word that sprang to mind .
7 Just because the guy can drop names we have all heard of and used to know Bruce McLaren does n't give him the right to bore us every week .
8 Just because he was her boss , that did n't give him the right to organise her social life as well !
9 ‘ Well , even if they are , that does n't give you the right to poke your nose into my affairs ! ’
10 That still does n't give you the right to treat me like a child , ’ Robyn persisted .
11 ‘ That does n't give you the right to make free with me whenever you choose .
12 Look , I appreciate the use of the bathroom , but that damn well does n't give you the right to stand there with that superior look on your face , lecturing me as if I were a child . ’
13 Obviously you 're annoyed about that letter you received — but that does n't give you the right to vent your spleen on me .
14 ‘ When you bullied me into this … charade , ’ she spat the words out , ‘ it did n't give you the right to boss me about .
15 ‘ That does n't give you the right to dictate to me . ’
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