Example sentences of "not [be] said [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its title is misleading , since the Georgian interiors are few in number , and can not be said to give much idea of their period .
2 The King 's Bench Prison was for gentlemen debtors , for ‘ men born to property and a high station in life who by their folly and crime reduced themselves to wretchedness and loaded themselves with disgrace ’ — though James Grant 's description in Pictures of Popular People could not be said to fit poor Benjamin Haydon .
3 ( 1.2 , 1.3 ) Our conception of necessary connection can not be said to require any facts other than those stated by these conditionals .
4 While bringing many qualities to his new post , Mr Snyder could not be said to possess great insight into the subject — in fact he did n't possess any sight at all ; the new chairman was registered as blind .
5 Although Quattro Pro 4 ca n't be said to make any task easier than in an equivalent Windows spreadsheet , what it does prove is that with very little limitation a DOS product can manage the same job as a Windows product any trouble at all .
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