Example sentences of "not [verb] [pos pn] eyes [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , if speakers did not avert their eyes during the planning ( hesitant ) phases in their speech , there was a marked increase in speech disturbances .
2 And though he could not lift his eyes to the streetlights
3 ‘ I 've coloured hair lots of times , ’ Mandy muttered , not removing her eyes from the binoculars she had screwed into them .
4 And try as she might she could not detach her eyes from the object on the table that had so totally winded her .
5 Two acting notes for Frank : Less is more — do not shift your eyes at the audience so much , stare them down once every scene ; when in doubt about what to say next do not keep ad-libbing about Harry .
6 The maid who opened the door to them could not take her eyes off the great fat woman in the biscuit straw hat with big cloth roses on its brim , and the cape that just covered her shoulders and showed an expanse of blue cotton bosom , the like she had never seen before .
7 Julia could not take her eyes off the beautiful mare .
8 But he could not take his eyes off the photograph in front of him .
9 The four-foot-long nozzle is heavy for me and hard to hold level , but I do not take my eyes off the spider .
10 ‘ How did it look ? ’ she asked Morris , not taking her eyes off the screen .
11 Jess spoke fiercely , not taking her eyes from the raddled face , daring her to deny it .
12 ‘ Great , ’ said Morris , not taking his eyes off the screen either .
13 ‘ Ah , ’ he says , not taking his eyes off the ring , ‘ I opened some Valpolicella already . ’
14 ‘ Just another five minutes , ’ Nick begged , not taking his eyes from the ball as he whacked it half way down the table .
15 We can not shut our eyes to the fact that there are groups , very small numerically but extremely cohesive and tenacious , who have infiltrated the unions with the intention of seizing power if they can .
16 We can not close our eyes to the fact that if the arguments advanced on behalf of the appellant in relation to this ground of appeal are soundly based , then there is , not a small lacuna , but a yawning gap in the protection for the public afforded by section 16 of the Act of 1968 through which a large number of dishonest persons can — by arranging matters so that they come within the definition of ‘ self-employed ’ — escape conviction and punishment for the kind of deceitful conduct of which the jury , by their verdicts in the instant case , found this appellant to be guilty .
17 ‘ You checked the house ? ’ asked Dalziel , not raising his eyes from the sheet of paper he held gingerly before him .
18 That 's their problem , if they ca n't keep their eyes on the road .
19 He just looked at Mr. Mendez , though you could n't see his eyes in the shadow of his hat brim .
20 ‘ They could n't take their eyes off the dancers .
21 She could n't take her eyes off the livid scratch on his nose .
22 Bernice could n't take her eyes from the tall woman , and realized that her companions , too , must have been staring .
23 Major Nogin was looking expectantly towards our table and Ralph Pike could n't take his eyes off the major .
24 Sanchez did n't take his eyes from the pit .
25 When her Mum undressed her to try it on I could n't take my eyes off the lovely white underclothes she wore .
26 Having a strong personality , she had battled her way into the medical profession and convinced many doctors by demonstration that at the very least they could n't shut their eyes to the possibilities of her treatment .
27 Dalziel laughed but did n't turn his eyes to the speaker .
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