Example sentences of "he walked [prep] [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure it was , Patrick grinned as he walked down the corridor and climbed the half-dozen steps from the servants ' quarters up to the hall ; he had seen the look on the butler 's face , and knew how uncomfortable it had been for him .
2 The wretched man made his way to Brighton where after one bungled attempt he walked off the pier and killed himself by drowning .
3 He walked across the floor and , although he caused little sound , the whole room vibrated with his weight .
4 He walked to a crossing and pushed the button , the WAIT sign illuminated faintly from under layers of dirt and graffiti .
5 So he walked to the park and sat on the park bench and let his thoughts pass through his head .
6 He walked to the door and looked out , but no one was there and all was still .
7 Motioning them both to silence , he walked to the door and looked out .
8 He walked to the window and stared out for some moments .
9 He walked to the window and gazed down through the net curtains .
10 Rising to his feet , he walked to the window and stood looking out .
11 He walked to the verge and made a show of urinating .
12 He walked to the telescope and looked through the eye piece .
13 He walked to the parapet and looked over .
14 He walked to the table and picked up the big Polaroid camera in its leather case .
15 Alone , he walked to the market and entered the baker 's shop for the last time .
16 He walked to the chair and looked through the grubby net curtain .
17 He walked to the barrier and handed Donna her case over the rail .
18 He went back to the ballet , he said , after a period of doubt , because he walked into a studio and saw a young woman putting her feet into the rosin box to stop her shoes from slipping : the familiar action , a mixture of habit and discipline and grace , made him realize where his heart belonged .
19 It was a shock , I can tell you , when he walked into the centre and I realised he was my new medical officer . ’
20 Carrying the telephone with him , he walked into the kitchen and poured himself a small whisky .
21 He walked into the room and headed for the door , without looking at her .
22 He walked into the bedroom and began to dress .
23 this lad was , now he was , coming in the bar , he sat just as you come in the door and then he moved to that long thing where we sit , well I go at the bar and Jackie was sat there Jackie , I said time to be social , no I cos I laugh , I were laughing me head off me and he 's jabbering away move like that , his arms moving you know , then he sets off to sing , well , la , la and Johnny said shut up I know Johnny put his glass of beer on the next table to ours and sets off to see Mickey , then he stands up this lad sit down you , must have thought for his beer , I think he was like , I says to Jack I says er you want to put his trousers is all undone , you know sat and his trousers what and his jumper , so our Johnny went he said get that covered up and , but he pulled it down like that , and now he took 'em out he walked through the door and his trousers were falling down but
24 He walked through the crowd and to his throne .
25 And er , and he thought he was all hard , right and he was walking , I know he 's a dog but he , he , he knows , you know what I mean , and he walked past the shop and the dog come out the shop you should 've seen my wisht up in my arms Could n't stop laughing .
26 He walked amongst the olives and flirted with Frederica , Caroline , Monique and Marie-Claire whilst talking folklore seriously with Monsieur .
27 He walked around the desk and gave it to Michael .
28 Green did not go to church every Sunday — sometimes he walked around the house and idled , or went for a walk in the hills ; but he notes his attendance at church , in Ambleside , Grasmere or Keswick and the preacher he has heard .
29 Leaving his colleague to help the doctor , he walked from the room and carefully made his way down the stairs .
30 He walked from the room and Kate felt an urge to jump on his back and tear his hair out .
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