Example sentences of "he do not believe that the " in BNC.

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1 In this Marx was similar to many of his contemporaries , such as Spencer or Comte , but he was also very different from them , for he did not believe that the same laws apply to biological evolution as apply to human societies .
2 Romero disapproved of this theology ; he did not believe that the way of Christ called anybody to overthrow governments .
3 Although individual consent was of central importance to Hobbes , he did not believe that the authority of law rested on the fact that it promoted a desirable objective or that it reflected a profound truth .
4 If war broke out he did not believe that the Soviet Union would mount a localised attack on Japan .
5 C. Wright Mills saw professionals as increasingly becoming the servants of the rich and powerful , but he did not believe that the individual professionals themselves were losing their power and influence .
6 The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer , Norman Lamont , was also quoted as saying that he did not believe that the present position of the dollar had rendered it " uncompetitive . "
7 Lisandro Abadia , said , however , that he did not believe that the rebels would implement a ceasefire and that army operations would continue .
8 He hoped that the government would set an example to the nation by inaugurating a period of change , but he did not believe that the estates of the realm should be given extensive political rights or that the power of the tsar should be dramatically reduced .
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