Example sentences of "he be waiting [prep] [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The work with patients who had the delusion of being watched , and who spoke of the watcher as another person in terms like the following : ‘ He is waiting for me to go now ’ , or ‘ He thinks I should do such and such ’ , had first led Freud to suggest that a part of a person 's ego can keep watch over another part .
2 So he 's waiting for you to come up and have a look at it .
3 He told me that he was waiting for me to return .
4 She knew he was waiting for her to agree , and it was desperation , pure and simple , she thought , that made her remember the elegant blonde he had been dining with that particular night .
5 He was waiting for her to open the conversation , but his manner was so cold and distant that she found it difficult to begin .
6 Without saying anything further , he shifted his enormous shoulders more comfortably against the door-frame as though settled for the rest of the day , and moved his eyes to her mouth almost as though he was waiting for her to speak again , she thought , feeling thoroughly disgruntled .
7 ‘ A little , ’ she admitted , and because she guessed he was waiting for her to flinch she became determined to show no sign of pain .
8 Maybe there was some difficulty about Lilian 's dress or he was waiting for her to get back from the hairdresser 's .
9 He was waiting for them to leave .
10 Or perhaps he was waiting for them to start counting their blessings there and then .
11 Cowslip himself was at the other end of the hall and Hazel realized that he was waiting for him to reply .
12 He was waiting for him to get up .
13 I figured he was waiting for you to wake up , Sleeping-Beauty-style , at which point he 'd marry you and make very tender love to you . ’
14 Later I heard from more than one person how , landed with him outside Faber 's , they had been conscious that he was waiting from them to take their leave first , as he was reluctant to provide any clue as to the whereabouts of his home .
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