Example sentences of "for a [adj] kind [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the view of style as manner : I mean by ‘ manner ’ the way in which a text , or an author 's work as a whole , or the work of a group of writers , or even a period of literature , may be distinguished by typical patterns of language-use , a repeated preference , for instance , for a certain kind of construction or a certain class of word .
2 On Good Friday 1958 the first march set out for Aldermaston , the atomic research establishment in Berkshire , under the CND symbol , a black circle forked with a white ‘ drooping cross ’ , the semaphore symbols for N and D , which became the membership badge not only for the campaign but for a certain kind of non-conformity among young people .
3 In the 1850s the fossil record began to yield evidence for a new kind of trend within the development of each class .
4 At this point optimism makes way for a new kind of awareness , tragic awareness , which can only be borne through art in the shape of myth .
5 This is widely recognized as one of the biggest stumbling blocks to the successful implementation of any innovation , and particularly one such as profiling which requires teachers to find time for a new kind of activity , namely one-to-one discussion with pupils , as well as completing detailed records .
6 But even from that the soaring fantasy needs to be pruned : Dryden believed Pericles to be Shakespeare 's earliest play , presumably his ugliest apprentice work , dug up from the pre-Titus Andronicus strata of foul papers ( in one of those great trunks that he probably left in the Mountjoys ' attic , in Silver Street , to be destroyed in the Great Fire ) , and now rewritten under pressure for a new kind of play for the Blackfriars stage .
7 This problem is so great that it has become fashionable to call for a new kind of organization to put in place of managerial hierarchy , an organization that will better meet the requirements of what is variously called the Information Age , the Services Age or the Post-lndustrial Age .
8 The specialists tend to live rather quiet , often secretive lives , while the opportunists scamper hither and thither , always on the lookout for a new kind of meal .
9 Football has become the focus for a new kind of identity for working-class male youth and it is quite possible that other forms of sport — cricket for instance — will be similarly used .
10 He suggested the need for a new kind of designer who would create ‘ interface programs ’ for individuals .
11 How could she , when her body had become a battleground for a crazy kind of chemistry ?
12 If top panel is without perspective and bottom is nothing but perspective , then is that not the place for a different kind of vision ?
13 Labour changes from being at a stage where it has not yet become a thing in itself and is merely an aspect of social life , to a stage when although still an aspect of social life it involves exploitation , i.e. slavery and serfdom , to a third stage when labour has become mysteriously represented as a thing and is used for a different kind of exploitation .
14 At the same time as a new , totally devoted audience had been found for a different kind of comedy film , an equally devoted public was on hand for his radio show .
15 But in fact he was waiting for a different kind of photograph , a different kind of confirmation .
16 The whole scene demonstrates admirably Britten 's approach to words and his understanding of how they can be made vehicles , both for meanings which go beyond their own familiar significations , and for a special kind of music which comes , by some alchemy , from the combination of phonemes and notes .
17 In the other … you might just as well try to go to sleep when your feet are cold or you want to spend a penny , or you 're hungry for a special kind of food you have n't got .
18 A Soviet tank may not be comfortable to ride in compared with a NATO tank , but it is reliable , easy to repair , and built quite deliberately for a particular kind of terrain , support system and warfare .
19 These new compounds were often specific for a particular kind of leukaemia , and sometimes they were so effective that remissions appeared to be permanent .
20 If you feel that there is a need for a particular kind of care , ask whether it might be arranged .
21 And also , as he watched the boxer on the television , Boy began to think that there are two kinds of sex : the kind of sex where you say do this , do that , or you manoeuvre yourself into position for a particular kind of pleasure ; and then there is the other kind of sex , where you want not someone else 's body that had done those things the night before or the afternoon before .
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