Example sentences of "for the [adj] length of time " in BNC.

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1 Both cold and hyaluronidase treatment can activate unfertilized eggs so eggs must be kept warm and exposed to hyaluronidase for the minimum length of time .
2 He said that both Chatichai and Arthit were being treated with respect and would be kept in custody for the minimum length of time .
3 What makes this system unique , is a batch of computers which control the ovens and ensure the food is cooked for the correct length of time and in the most ideal conditions .
4 A sticker is earned for initially sitting on the lavatory for the required length of time .
5 You can get free dental treatment for the same length of time .
6 In the first study we were able to show that clients treated in either mode were significantly less depressed at the end of treatment than those held on a waiting list for the same length of time ( Scott and Stradling , 1990 ) , and that this reduction in symptoms was maintained for up to 12 months post treatment — see Figure 3 .
7 It is usually noticeable that when a masochist has for years felt hard done by , often over-controlled by their partner , and then for some reason the tables are turned , he or she metes out punishment as if this has to go on for the same length of time that the masochist 's suffering was endured .
8 The question to be addressed by an industrial tribunal in a particular case is whether a man would have been dismissed by the employer if , in the same circumstances , he would have been absent for the same length of time for medical reasons .
9 The Commission has been in existence for the same length of time as the Fair Employment Agency , since 1976 .
10 The abrupt cut can be softened by a lap dissolve , originally done by gradually closing down the iris on the lens ( a fade-out ) , winding back the film and then opening up the iris for the same length of time and film ( a fade-in ) .
11 Finely spread bait means they have to work hard for a meal and therefore remain in the swim for the maximum length of time .
12 There may be a tendency for courts to err on the side of caution , and for orders to be made for the full length of time , but the recent judgement by the High Court in relation to an appeal in North Yorkshire may encourage the courts to exercise discretion with greater confidence , and take advice from the GAL .
13 If the casual worker can not make himself available for the full length of time requested , he is unlikely to be offered the assignment , although exceptions will be made if the organisation is facing a tight labour market and can only cover its manpower requirements by bringing in " part-timers " .
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