Example sentences of "for [adv] a short [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lonsdale 's history of women poets through the century allows them to be understood against developments in the poetry written by men whose dominance of fashion was challenged for only a short time toward the end of the period .
2 Why does the snow settle for only a short time on the north west coast ?
3 Full employment , competition between employers for labour and high levels of labour turnover might mean that many people are working for only a short time in any particular job .
4 The specialized frugivores are , in general , foraging for only a short period of the day — in the cases of manikins and cotingas , for only some 10% of the daylight hours .
5 A single kiln , for instance , probably implies a potter 's presence for only a short period in the life of a settlement some may even have been itinerant or at best semi-residential , moving on once local demand had been satisfied .
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