Example sentences of "with [noun pl] from all [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They describe themselves as ‘ emigres from the South East ’ and truly delight in sharing their lovely home with visitors from all over the world .
2 Like the ornithologist who has to reach an impossibly remote island by a certain day in the rainy season only to find it overflowing with ornithologists from all over the world choking the woodland tracks with cameras and tripods , trying to catch a fleeting glimpse of a small bird as it hops about in the dripping undergrowth .
3 Her most valuable contribution lay in the relationships she built up with delegates from all round the world .
4 So , suddenly , the local police station is swamped with detectives from all over the region .
5 Edward of England had ordered an advance headquarters to be set up at Bamborough in Northumberland , with levies from all over the North of England to assemble there ; he himself was expected to arrive there in late March or early April , to lead his assault on Scotland in person .
6 On Eastbourne promenade we have created a tropical paradise with flowers from all over the world , and into this setting , flying around in the natural habitat are 100 's of LIVE butterflies .
7 The habit had given his room — it was hardly an office , packed as it was with artefacts from all over the world — a curious olfactory patina , as though the whole place had been dipped in aromatic tobacco and then hung out to dry .
8 I spent the rest of the weekend in small discussion groups with women from all over the country with a wide variety of ideas and opinions .
9 Fabrication work being carried out with parts from all over the world was on tight timing and penalties .
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