Example sentences of "with [art] good deal [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Joanne and the other members of the team of teachers working with the intake year embarked on the new curriculum with a good deal of enthusiasm and more than a little apprehension .
2 He acknowledged the dog 's overtures , but he eyed her with a good deal of concern .
3 It must be said that this has apparently been achieved with a good deal of success in many societies in many different periods .
4 WITH a good deal of head-scratching , with a shuffle here and a waffle there , America 's diplomats are trying to decide what the country 's European policy should be .
5 He led her into another room , and there listened , with a good deal of amazement , to Rose 's account of her extraordinary conversation with Nancy .
6 The rise of the middle-class was not , on the whole , predicated on an aspiration to join the aristocracy , whose way of life , especially during the Regency , met with a good deal of disapprobation ; but it was determined by the resolute intention of the new men to distance themselves in every possible way from the working-class , out of which so many of them had raised themselves .
7 This usually consists of worship and praise and comprises the singing of a number of songs , with a good deal of repetition in which one song succeeds another without a break .
8 Glyn looked at her with a good deal of accusation .
9 I anticipate that Austen will be my new chief , an appointment that will meet with a good deal of criticism . ’
10 The face that confronted her with so much earnest goodwill and innocence , and with , she felt mistrustfully , such incalculable thoughts behind it , was square and brown , with a good deal of chin and nose to it , and an odd mouth with one corner higher than the other .
11 Hooligans have something in common with nutters in that they both provide the group with a good deal of entertainment .
12 My impression was that since it was to be held in London , Angela was doing the work , with a good deal of help from colleagues at Yeo Davis .
13 Our Bank Assistant members could have been forgiven for entering the Labour Court with some misgivings but with a good deal of hope .
14 Sir , — I read the article in the October issue , When growth and stability turned to disaster ( see p 26 ) , with a good deal of interest having worked with a professional firm in the Isle of Wight in the fifties , and knowing something of the type of clientele referred to .
15 I watched the newspapers with a good deal of interest .
16 So if you are starting out with a good deal of weight to shed , it is wise to allow scope for reducing calorie intake in the later stages of dieting .
17 Ware was a shy man , given to covering his shyness with a good deal of banter .
18 Foreigners , since the earliest times , have been required to live in special residential areas and have been treated with a good deal of suspicion and hostility by ordinary Russians as well as by government officials .
19 Once the summer residence of landed gentry , it has now been restructured and renovated , with a good deal of taste and great respect for the original building 's style , ambience and decor .
20 China , after some tentative experiments and with a good deal of reluctance , sent ministers of her own to London in 1877 and to Washington , St Petersburg and Tokyo in the following year .
21 The project document continues with a good deal of detail about the erosion works , areas to be covered by different treatments , and the expected benefits .
22 Sidonius , perhaps for political reasons , is concerned to portray a restrained and civilized man , with a good deal of power and authority .
23 It was important for Oreste 's sake to keep good relations and so with a good deal of lip-biting and general effort of control she finally wrote to her sister in most moderate terms expressing surprise , confessing intense distress , but apportioning no blame .
24 For this reason , arguments for the existence of the monster based upon visual evidence have met with a good deal of scepticism .
25 The end result was a colour transparency capable of recording , with a good deal of accuracy , the changing world of the new century .
26 The end result was a colour transparency capable of recording , with a good deal of accuracy , the changing world of the new century .
27 assistant master at Salem House , ‘ a limp , delicate-looking gentleman … with a good deal of nose , and a way of carrying his head on one side , as if it were a little too heavy for him ’ .
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