Example sentences of "with [art] [noun] around [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The mayor , councillor Ray Turner says : ’ When the king , that 's Charles the second , was proclaimed King in Scotland , he made his way south trying to raise an army and he was turned away from everywhere until he came to Worcester and the mayor there proclaimed him king of England and in recognition the king knighted the mayor and he rode with the king around the city to raise an army . ’
2 He had to compensate for the waste of a visit with his encounters , and with the countryside around the town , the haystacks , the brown earth speckled with whitish spots where the mark showed , so unlike the black earth of Holland .
3 I set out the sunset quickly starting with the yellow around the sun and growing darker and more towards blue as I moved out from the centre , using a mixture of water and ox gall to make the paint stay wet .
4 Leave the tangerines whole , or slice and pour with the syrup around the pudding .
5 He also seems to have developed connections with the circle around the prince .
6 He also seems to have developed connections with the circle around the prince .
7 The missing part of the badge — which was worn between c1900–1958 was a white metal antelope with a coronet around the neck .
8 Set in 1680 , it ended with a dance around the hall 's famous Adam and Eve trees .
9 Efficient emergency treatment relies upon being able to stem the blood loss with a tourniquet around the foot .
10 The car was found just off Upper Dunmurry Lane around 7.15pm — with a chain around the steering wheel .
11 Moments later Loughborough lost their flanker John Hastings with a cut around the eye .
12 It was originally powered by an iron and wood breast shot water wheel , replaced with a turbine around the turn of the century .
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