Example sentences of "you [verb] na [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They have fairly regularly staged , what you might call bigger bands who play the university circuit as such and they 're always , you know , dying for people to come along so there 'll , th there 'll be lists published at what time , what events are on at these places if you wan na go and do that and if you wan na go to the top notch bands , Birmingham 's a good venue for that with the Leisure Centre , the M I A the N E C , the K G B etcetera etcetera all that stuff there so there 's always plenty to do , do n't , do n't feel restricted just cos we 're in er the middle of the city centre in this college and there does n't seem a lot to do , there 's a lot going on .
2 Why what do you wan na go to the pictures to see ?
3 It 's either that or , unless you wan na go to the Cocks ?
4 Will you wan na go to the Chelsea match ?
5 You wan na go to the shops now or what ?
6 Well we , well we , we can start if you wan na start with the
7 So a department name , the admin department , a department code , one hundred , and as I was saying er , you wan na to get in the top left hand corner , any information that keeps you informed so I wan na get both the department code and the department name into that one cell .
8 And I , I du n no , are you gon na go to the party tonight ?
9 Well are you gon na go to the pictures tonight ?
10 What you gon na do on the floor ?
11 I mean what the fuck are you gon na do with the tickets ?
12 What you gon na do with the five ?
13 What you gon na do with the garden then ?
14 ‘ Waal , how are you gon na live with the Corporation execs from here on in ? ’ she asked caustically .
15 What word were you gon na say for the jungle ?
16 You gon na play for the team ? ’
17 How you gon na get to the , are we going out the
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