Example sentences of "that it be all [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hari 's face was pale and Emily told herself sternly that it was all for the best , together she and Hari would prosper .
2 He really was a most exceptionally handsome man , but she knew from experience that it was all on the surface .
3 The fact that it was all within the rules was immaterial .
4 No doubt the publishers would claim that it was all in the pursuit of the greater truth , in the way that the slimy tabloids and the unspeakable Sunday Times do when they are parading some particularly unpleasant piece of gossip .
5 Do you know , my psychiatrist spent hour after hour convincing me that it was all in the mind , that nobody really was out to get me , that the world was n't conspiring against me …
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