Example sentences of "that it [modal v] take a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , the damage to the capital 's generating equipment had been so severe that some Western estimates claimed that it would take a year to restore full supplies to the country .
2 The report stated that the EFF loan could provide India with US$5,000-US$7,000 million over three years , but that it would take a year to negotiate .
3 The answer which is usually proffered is a variant of the ‘ snapshot ’ argument : the stock of capital is so large in comparison with variations in the relevant flows that it would take a timespan considerably longer than the Keynesian short run for variations in the rate of net investment to have a significant impact on the size of the stock of capital .
4 Had n't she known , six years ago , pregnant and alone , that it would take a miracle for her to survive Tony 's death and build some kind of life for herself and her child ?
5 But he 'd plainly told her on Tuesday that it would take a week or more to get the necessary replacement part , so what was the point in ringing him ?
6 Mr John McDonnell , QC , for the company , had urged Mr Justice Hoffman to exercise the court 's power to the full , saying that it might take a year for the case to be heard by the House of Lords .
7 This rationalization for state intervention on efficiency grounds presupposes that government can determine the socially desirable rate of investment and innovation , and that it can take a dispassionate , long-term view of these investment possibilities , rather than make short-run responses to the demands of political interests . [ … ]
8 The motherboard has a tell-tale row of extra solder holes surrounding the CPU , signifying that it can take a socket for the Pentium OverDrive processor .
9 A spokesman agreed yesterday that it could take a couple of months for dealers to clear stocks of Cavaliers .
10 ‘ You 'd asked about your car , and I told you that it could take a week or more for the garage to locate the part they needed . ’
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