Example sentences of "that [pers pn] once [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I admit that I once cared a hell of a lot about my appearance , but I 've changed . ’
2 Mrs Turpin remarks to the woman next to her that she once knew a girl who had everything a child could possibly want , but was still a spoilt , ungrateful brat .
3 And a friend in Scotland swears that he once heard a sermon preached on the wonders of creation in which the minister made much of the sanctity of the earthworm and even speculated on whether every earthworm is an individual .
4 ( So committed has Kandel been to reductionism as philosophy as well as methodology that he once gave a talk to an audience of psychiatrists with the theme of ‘ Psychotherapy and the single synapse ’ . )
5 His musical memory was so acute that he once confounded a friend of his father 's , the court trumpeter and violinist Johann Andreas Schachtner , by insisting that Schachtner 's violin had been tuned exactly an eighth of a tone ( a tiny but noticeable fraction ) lower than Wolfgang 's own when he had last heard it — a fact that the astonished Schachtner was able to verify .
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