Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [modal v] take [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We were invited to stay with friends living in Northern Burgundy , and to visit a painting school at La Buia , in Umbria , with the idea that I might take a class there in May 1993. there was some discussion , earlier in the year , of another in Venice , and we will break our journey there , for breakfast , next week .
2 ‘ On the other hand , ’ added my mother hastily , as though she feared that I might take the chance to postpone the ceremony in order to accommodate the philadelphus , ‘ chrysanthemums are more reliable .
3 At the time I told myself that I would take a train to Perpignan and from there explore the more accessible small seaside places just because they sounded nice and quiet and I had n't seen them before .
4 As Leslie was the only officer in the missing plane ( ironically the transport aircraft was a Stirling — the same name as his birthplace ) , I decided that I must take the lead among the families .
5 My whole thinking , every waking moment should have been concentrating on the 100 metres in which I was still convinced , despite losing to Carl in Madrid earlier in the season , that I could take the gold medal .
6 Pictures of Lorna Lewis picnicking in pedal pushers , marrying in white and christening her baby daughters counterpointed these triumphs , and the couple , who lived their lives from the outside in , saw themselves looking happy in magazines and believed they were happy , although the combination of Hitchcock and post-natal depression persuaded Lorna to announce that she would take a year off to devote herself to her family .
7 There are also rumours that she may take a role in a film directed by David Lynch 's daughter Jennifer , which promises to make Blue Velvet look positively staid .
8 Breathes there a woman with soul so dead that she can take a trip round Bath 's exhilarating architecture without wanting to take home ‘ a touch of the Georgians ’ — even if it 's only a silver spoon ?
9 I immediately thought it over and said , ‘ Go and ask Semenov to issue a visa to your son 's wife , so that she can take the girl to London ’ .
10 I remember you saying that you 'd take the day off after we got back from Thailand … ’
11 I know , dearest , that you could take a holiday this summer — You mentioned it would be possible .
12 This means that you can take an average of several positions .
13 So what we 're saying is that you can take the correlation coefficient , multiply it by N minus two divided by one minus R , square root it first , and you convert it to a T. R P is the correlation coefficient ca calculated by the way we 've j that that 's just a little squiggle
14 Philip Jones Griffiths , a Magnum photographer who has been going to Vietnam for 23 years , say , s ‘ We used to joke that you can take the photographer out of Vietnam but not Vietnam out of the photographer ’ .
15 We hope that you will take the opportunity to enjoy one of the most exciting programmes available in Britain : the cinema of the world comes to Birmingham !
16 I understand this is one of the LCC subsidised services and hope that you will take the matter up with Ribble and ensure that this does n't occur again
17 Er we need to tell them that we 'll take the balance of the first year 's payment through er er on proof , when we when they 've got their proof on on the desk we will take the next the balance of the first year 's payment through a banker 's order .
18 So we told him that we were n't interested in tonight 's gig and that we 'd take the money and go now .
19 Final reason , is that fo for borrowing , is that we could take a view , that borrowing in a particular year has to take account of the of the valuable circumstances at that particular time .
20 ‘ Three months ago it did not seem possible that we could take the Championship again but we never gave up .
21 I would like to suggest , with respect to the historic churches , that we should take a lesson from the sects .
22 In view of the warm weather , he suggested that we should take a walk , for which purpose he would change into lighter things .
23 They say Wednesday erm activity at Latton Bush , thanks for sending that information , I 've sent off the letter and said that we will take a stall and if anyone 's free to help
24 If our propaganda has failed , it has failed because we have been unable to arouse the British people in such a way as to make them feel that the cause of Republican Spain was their cause in such a measure that they would take every risk , even the risk of war to make the Republican cause in Spain prevail .
25 The parliaments of Armenian , Georgia , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania and Moldavia had announced in the weeks immediately preceding the referendum that they would take no part in organizing the holding of the referendum .
26 It was arranged that they would take the horses down to the railway sidings where there was enough light from the warehouses to school in the evenings , and Biddy would come twice during the week and once at the weekend , for two hours each time .
27 As had happened the day before , the time simply flew for Fabia , so that she could again hardly believe it when Ven told her that they would take the funicular a little way down the hill to a restaurant where they would have lunch .
28 But the locals are still optimistic that they 'll take the honours on Monday .
29 I do n't know which firm they were from , but as well as stopping people from hurting each other , they helped the more diminutive among the crowd on to the stage if they had problems getting free of the moshpit so that they could take a dive .
30 I do n't know which firm they were from , but as well as stopping people from hurting each other , they helped the more diminutive among the crowd on to the stage if they had problems getting free of the moshpit so that they could take a dive .
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