Example sentences of "that [pron] can find the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In summer it is not so dense but that I can find the blackbird wherever it sings among its branches and not in Winter so agile but that its changing patterns are conspicuous against the sky , its sound an appreciable susurration using the harp strings of the wind .
2 Could you tell me so that I can find the statement .
3 We have already seen that failure satisfactorily to surmount the Oedipus complex results in pre-Oedipal fixations , notably at the anal and oral stages , and it may be here that we can find the primitive , rudimentary superego elements which can , and indeed must , remain when the mature superego does not develop .
4 So far the museum has raised about half the amount and fingers are crossed that they can find the rest before June .
5 The new decision does not let Hampshire off the hook — the county must still find room for 66,500 new homes — but it accedes to the county 's own view that it can find the space more sensibly outside the north-east or central parts of the county .
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