Example sentences of "that [pron] have already [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only other thing I have to put to you is this that I 've already put to er what we allege went on in that bedroom .
2 It 's just that I 've already mentioned to someone else , and if they ca n't go , then I 'll offer it to you .
3 Wedgewood sets out to find it and both parties discover that someone has already arrived on the Moon before them …
4 She was not going to fall in love with him , but even as she said this vehemently to herself , Sara was afraid that she had already gone over the precipice she had been conscious of this morning .
5 But as I whirled round I saw that she had already taken off most of her clothes .
6 erm Professor Ron Dore is going to talk a bit about when education should stop and I suspect will be saying some of the things that you 've already hinted at , and then later on Professor Colin Lacey will be talking about some aspects of teachers and teaching and training of teachers , and I suspect he will have something to say about mobility of teachers and careers of teachers as , as well .
7 So if you could precis or select from the text that you 've already prepared for the annual report , something that will go in there that says why your functions are
8 As you march stiffly to the bar , still clutching your medal and foil blanket , do ensure that you 've already drunk at least four to six pints of non-alcoholic fluids and consumed the equivalent of a square meal .
9 shall we just look at one or two erm documents that you 've already looked at please , would you go to page twenty nine , just the illustration that seen and this is the I 'm not sure whether a point is going to be made about this or not , but if you look at page thirty one there there 's a golf club on the left and a man fishing on the right
10 I mean you , you 're not gon na go out and spend eighty quid on groceries that you 've already had on Friday just cos the shop 's open on Sunday are you ?
11 If you want to make the point you can add that you have already spoken to the Personnel Department about pay and conditions .
12 Peter White , this instability could result as people have been warning in Civil War , that we 've already heard about venturism being er , suggested by the Russian leader Boris Yeltsin it , he might try to change the boundaries of the Soviet Republics .
13 We retain the work that we 've already got with them .
14 And we 've generally been moving already with our big investment that we 've already got in Child Care , let's not forget that , towards this philosophy of that 's enshrined in the Children Act , which is building up parental responsibility and encouraging and supporting parents containing their own children , rather than being forced to give them up .
15 And it , kind of faces both ways , it , it looks back to the early period of the development of Freud 's thought that we 've already spoken about , and its beginnings back in the eighteen nineties , and in certain other respects , it looks forward , to the kind of revolution that was going to occur after World War Two .
16 But we reckon that in actual fact if you erm do n't do the we just dis discount the billing and collection and the pensions conversions and so on that we will actually get some benefits from the , the , the things that we 've already put in place this year , we reckon we can reduce that overspend on that side of it down to about a hundred and eighty two thousand erm because it 's , it 's nominal paper er transactions in a way .
17 the provision of electricity and water to the site , but within the original budget and with the estimates and quotations we 've had , there will be some money available for the erection of a small sign , so perhaps er I propose that we do that within the budget that we 've already established for the purchase of the ground , wh which is within budget at the moment , so if there 's any spare after the provision of electricity and water to the site , suggested .
18 Albert as chairman asked me a number of questions to which he already knew the answers for the good reason that we had already gone over them in Fulham .
19 There are clearly strong links between the ideal of the rule of law and concepts of natural law , and many of the questions that we have already posed in the latter context could be reiterated here .
20 If the impression created by these furious responses was that garotting ( as in other instances of street violence that we have already encountered in other historical periods ) represented a novel departure in the national character , then elsewhere the garotting panic itself was taken as a sign of temperamental instability .
21 There are hints of one in the story of Rahab and the spies that we have already looked at , hints of an attack mounted on the basis of inside information gathered in that dangerous night of pleasure , or of stealthy entry into the city gained by means of Rahab 's treachery .
22 Further changes were required to the to the office and to the practice generally er we wanted to maximise on the er er o on the benefits that were going to be derived and the qualities and the skills that we have already got in place er and we wanted to move towards market leadership .
23 Your answer will probably be something like this Bearing in mind that we have already allowed for sleeping , eating and formal classes in the full week , the balance represents 4½ working days at 8 hours per day , available for private study .
24 It seems to me that we are having to fight all over again to keep many things that we have already fought for and gained in the past .
25 They reckoned that they had already entered into their reign with Christ : they were already rich already filled with the powers of the Age to Come ( 1 Cor 4:8 ) Paul comes down immediately like a ton of bricks on this attitude which regards the Spirit as a medium of religious experience or an embodiment of supernatural power , rather than as the vocation to and equipment for the role of the Servant .
26 She looked up , startled to find that they had already arrived at the top floor , and were now walking down the corridor towards her apartment .
27 The allies calculate that they have already dropped on Iraqi targets about one-quarter of the total tonnage of bombs dropped on Germany in the whole of the second world war , and destroyed one-third of Iraq 's tanks and artillery in Kuwait .
28 He said that it had already led to the curtailment of five drilling contracts with thousands of potential job losses .
29 The case was so complicated that it has already generated at least two books ( Crouch and Marquart 1989 , Martin and Ekland-Olson 1987 ) and more might be on the way .
30 ( If it appears to be too gross and simple to the library and information professional , I can assure you that it has already proved to be too complex for many busy executives to take the time to grasp ! )
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