Example sentences of "that [pron] [be] [prep] least [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was so far on side the decision was a joke , ’ said Hazard , adding : ‘ The TV people told me after watching a replay that I was at least two yards on side . ’
2 And it seemed to her that she was at least two people , for the person who had plunged them into the forest and brought them to this spot was not the same as the person who sat here waiting for Allen to say what he was doing , and for the Friar to return .
3 In social situations it has to be recognised that there is at least one other sentient being present who has his own objectives which might accord with or oppose those of the first person .
4 3 Make sure that the organisation has a small number of executives trained to speak on subjects which are likely to come up and that there is at least one board member who can represent the company in times of serious criticism or comment .
5 A little to the north of it , I was delighted to discover , is a monastery by the name of Belloc , as if in honour of the English Catholic writer and Pyrenean devotee , Hilaire Belloc ( I was gratified to find later that there is at least one other Belloc or Bellocq in the Pyrenees ) .
6 Let me hasten to assure authors Martin Ward and Paul Oldham that there is at least one person who has read the book from cover to cover and though it both clever and hilarious , a beautifully-sustained joke and the most original piece of humorous writing on the fame produced in years .
7 But if we begin with the assumption , say , that there is at least one star in the heavens that never has been , or ever will be , discovered or talked about , then evidently no meaningful let alone true singular proposition can be produced in support of such an assumption , for no such object can be named .
8 Rather than presume that a motorway is required , will my hon. Friend the Minister acknowledge that there is at least one other option — to leave things as they are ?
9 B : Well , the milkman has come All that we can reasonably expect a semantic theory to tell us about this minimal exchange is that there is at least one reading that we might paraphrase as follows : ( 2 ) A : Do you have the ability to tell me the time ?
10 I know that there is at least one member here who had an interest er , in , that , that time .
11 Without going into the question in detail , I would submit that the operation is lawful if performed by experienced practitioners after very intensive investigation of the mental condition of the patient and the conclusion that there is at least some risk of harm to the patient if surgery is not performed .
12 The s the point I would make is that first of all I do n't accept that twelve thousand seven hundred is er a tenable figure but that , probably the more important point is that there has to be a policy response , and a policy response to this issue demands that there is at least some response to the mi to the level of migration er you know my my my view has been put forward very clearly about that , but I would simply make make the point for the record that even accepting one hundred percent migration , there is no statistical case for a new settlement .
13 Trade exhibitions , seminars , workshops , conventions and conferences , have now become a specialised market and it has been quoted , even at a conservative estimate , that there is at least ten million pounds worth of business available through conference agencies .
14 Er I know that there 's at least one other attraction tonight , especially if you 've got Sky Television , or
15 My view is that there are at least five issues of importance in the design of antitrust policies towards co-operative R&D ventures which arise from comparing these two different initiatives .
16 More recent work has shown that there are at least 13 different α subunits and eight Β subunits , and that certain α subunits can combine with more than one Β subunit ( for reviews see ) .
17 This means that there are at least four possible pathways of gene replication .
18 The only safe solution is to get the gliders into the hangar before the squalls arrive , or to make sure that there are at least two people close to each glider all the time , ready to swing them round when necessary .
19 However , before the latter can happen ( assuming for the moment that it is a desirable objective ) , it would seem to me that there are at least two major obstacles that must be overcome .
20 The move , reportedly initiated by Tribble , will undoubtedly prove to Jobs that there are at least two kinds of sizzle .
21 Very little is known about the control of the timing of these events but it is clear that there are at least two underlying clocks .
22 From what we have proposed as speakers ' topics in conversational discourse , it must occasionally happen that there are at least two versions of ‘ What I think we 're talking about ’ which are potentially incompatible .
23 Indeed it must be admitted that there are at least two other sites in Egypt which lay claim to this distinction .
24 We should also note that there are at least two different factors which may lead us to feel that some notion deserves emphasis ; one of course is contrast with another property that might have been expressed ; the second is salience of the notion within the particular situation envisaged ; this would presumably be true for : ( 16 ) Geraldine told us a long story about bee-keepers With these points in mind , we should now compare ( 15 ) with ( 17 ) and ask ourselves how much emphasis of either kind is present in ( 17 ) , provided that it is not " read in " in order to support the hypothesis : ( 17 ) the ideas discussed will be put to our colonel topics suitable could include divorce and bankruptcy buildings adjacent will be closed for three days Since there is no doubt that these sentences might be used in situations where the property of the adjective would not be contrastive , the only candidate which may have any plausibility is the " salient on this occasion " variety , though there does not seem to be very strong reason to believe that in all cases where these sentences could be used the adjective property will be salient ; we return to this later .
25 These results are remarkable clean , and underscore the enormous power of the gene knock-out approach , and they show that there are at least two independent pathways to the induction of apoptosis .
26 Check that there are at least two vertical bars || at the end of each keyword line .
27 Make sure that there are at least two vertical bars ( || ) at the end of the line .
28 Make sure that there are at least two vertical bars ( || ) at the end of the line .
29 The physiological and pharmacological studies of ENS indicate that there are at least two types of reflexes in this part of the autonomic nervous system .
30 It follows from the last paragraph that there are at least two different ways of studying a community 's use of language and attitudes towards it .
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