Example sentences of "it is quite clear that [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , whichever approach is applied , it is quite clear that whether severance is available is entirely dependent on the facts of the case .
2 This is not the stuff of which marriages are made , and it is quite clear that if United do not improve what Celtic consider to be a derisory offer for the Scotland captain , who has made 50 international appearances , there will be no union .
3 However , it is quite clear that if an employee gives notice in accordance with the contract he is by so doing affirming the existence of the contract and not accepting any perceived repudiation by the employer : see Normalec Ltd v Britton [ 1983 ] FSR 318 .
4 Considering Dicke 's thesis as well as van de Kamer 's publication in 1952 it is quite clear that when Dicke went to Utrecht to perform his classic dietary fat absorption experiments , he had already been convinced for years that wheat , rye , and oat meal products were the offending agents in the cause of coeliac disease .
5 From eqn ( 9.4 ) it is quite clear that as r tends toward rO then t tends to infinity .
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