Example sentences of "it is [adv] significant [that] the " in BNC.

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1 It is equally significant that the analysis of complex , multiple-locus systems ( polygenes ) is well advanced .
2 Although it is doubtless significant that the two texts on the Soviet Union written by Nizan , " Le Tombeau de Timour " and " Sindobod Tocikiston " , are centred on man 's struggle for socialist construction against the forces of nature in Central Asia , far removed from the political intrigue of Moscow , their significance is to be located in a heightened awareness of metaphysical despair rather than in any fundamental disenchantment with the social and political advances of the Soviet experiment itself .
3 It is surely significant that the enchanting country houses designed by Edwin Lutyens at this period should often be described as ‘ dream houses ’ .
4 It is also significant that the DoE study did not consider the costs of several ‘ uncostable ’ factors such as the increased corrosion and organic contamination which denitrification can cause but which would not be incurred by preventative methods .
5 It is also significant that the small improvements in productivity are due not to better production methods , but to increases in animal populations and the amount of land under cultivation .
6 It is also significant that the steam turbine and the pneumatic tyre were the only major British innovations of this period ; in the new industries she was a long way behind Germany and the United States and by 1914 was falling behind even in the older industries in which she had first established her supremacy .
7 It is also significant that the National Curriculum Council has established a cross-curricular Working Party focussing on the following themes : — Economic Awareness , — Careers , — Personal and Social Education , — Health Education .
8 It is also significant that the oddness of 9a can be reduced by modifying table semantically : The table with the electronic eye saw Arthur ( we know that it is the meaning of the modifying phrase which is important because the reduction in oddness depends on the open set items the phrase contains — compare The table with the melamine top saw Arthur ) ; no similar modification of bake in 11a , or table in 12a , can reduce the degree of deviance of these sentences .
9 It is also significant that the appearance of blockages from both directions at 5'-GC ( 37 of UV5 ) observed for 1 is missing ( 102 of N25 ) in the tethered complexes .
10 From our knowledge of Nietzsche 's earlier thinking on that subject , we would naturally take such a title to imply a central concern with tragedy and its demise , but it is certainly significant that the word " tragedy " is not itself part of the title .
11 It is highly significant that the two texts which Sartre chooses for the most part to ignore are L's Chiens de garde and Le Cheval de Troie , the two texts where Nizan 's communist party allegiances are most clearly visible .
12 It is perhaps significant that the first reported comment by a United States court on the Convention concerned this very area .
13 It is perhaps significant that the last strike organized by the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers was in 1923 and nearly bankrupted the Union ; although , having amalgamated with the Transport and General Workers ' Union in 1982 , farm workers may now find themselves in a better bargaining position .
14 In this connection it is perhaps significant that the boundary between the parish and Snodland was the old track or Ridgeway , now largely destroyed by chalk quarries , which , keeping to the highest and driest line over the downs is thought to have formed the main east-west route at this period , crossing the River Medway at Holborough as Mr Margery suggested .
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