Example sentences of "it is [adv] surprising that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Actually , it is rather surprising that the labour cost has n't gone up more , especially in view of the national rates .
2 This was a combination of evils grievous to bear ; and in these circumstances it is scarcely surprising that the monastic community of the cathedral church themselves took action , and instituted a search for papal privileges to uphold their failing fortunes .
3 When one reflects on how unpopular our own Government becomes with a recession which causes GDP to fall by just over 3 per cent from its 1990 peak , it is scarcely surprising that the reform programme in Russia has provoked widespread discontent .
4 It is hardly surprising that no trace of this epitaph remains on a lichen-covered gravestone in the churchyard at Egloshayle .
5 The main difficulty there is a severe case of market constipation , but it is hardly surprising that no one is moving : no one can afford to .
6 It is hardly surprising that a passage of Ovid is described in his Notes as ‘ of great anthropological interest ’ .
7 It is hardly surprising that a number of commentators wish to see an agreement with the banks on what assurances they can give , before the ED becomes a standard .
8 With electronic aids to navigation proliferating on small boats of all kinds and technology advancing on all fronts it is hardly surprising that a revised second edition of this volume has been required only three years after first publication .
9 It is hardly surprising that a tiny minority of the signatories are now beginning to say , ’ We will not do what the treaty calls upon us to do ; we will do what the United Kingdom does . ’
10 Reading section 4 of the Act with the other relevant interpretative sections , it is hardly surprising that a number of people connected with the children 's hearing system saw the Act as a major handicap to their work .
11 As women are largely responsible for the emotional wellbeing of society , it is hardly surprising that the shop-talk of women is gossip .
12 SPANNING four continents and 70 countries , it is hardly surprising that the causes , and hence solutions to tropical forest destruction shift from region to region .
13 Given the Labour Party 's lack of political action on the Spanish issue it is hardly surprising that the Labour Spain Committee renewed its efforts to call for a national conference , which it organized in October 1938 .
14 If for much of the last 50 years the Russians were almost invisible , and those whom we did see were either the brilliant defectors or carefully hand-picked stars , it is hardly surprising that the British public swallowed the myth .
15 Given the very complex nature of France 's post-war politics , especially with regard to Algeria in the late 1950s it is hardly surprising that the SDECE , as the DGSE was then known , has found itself embroiled in numerous scandals .
16 It is indeed , to some extent , a loss situation , and given society 's reverence , however misplaced , for earning power as a barometer of social status , it is hardly surprising that the change in role from breadwinner to pensioner comes as a bitter blow in many cases .
17 Against this background , it is hardly surprising that the example of bureaucratic inertia uppermost in Waldegrave 's mind is that of ‘ big physics ’ .
18 So it is hardly surprising that the place has bred a line of hardy , taciturn beings who , accustomed from birth to fighting the elements simply to survive , are not given to public demonstrations of any kind of emotion .
19 A painful mouth will never be a responsive one and it is hardly surprising that the horse will try to evade the bit .
20 It is hardly surprising that the LNU leaders did not go out of their way to point out that , without the final threat of military sanctions , an economic blockade against an aggressor power was most unlikely to succeed .
21 As the ranges of the males overlap , it is hardly surprising that the females are regularly courted by several males during the course of the breeding season — a female may have as many as four males in pursuit at the same time .
22 Given the widespread destruction of church interiors during the post-Reformation period and the relentless removal of ‘ superstitious ’ objects , it is hardly surprising that the parishioners of the mid- and late sixteenth century were unwilling to finance new ecclesiastical building or furnishing .
23 It is hardly surprising that the studies that have taken account of the social class background of white and black pupils tend to reveal that the dramatic differences produced by simple comparisons tend to diminish , often considerably ( Bagley et al . ,
24 It is hardly surprising that the Zionist movement should have appeared in the violently antisemitic atmosphere of the Dual Monarchy .
25 Given Futuroscope 's success , it is hardly surprising that the park has attracted the curiosity of its competitors .
26 It is hardly surprising that the clearing banks found the use of both moral suasion and direct controls particularly irksome .
27 It is hardly surprising that the highest number of accidents occur in the home .
28 It is hardly surprising that the great majority of accidents in the Alps occur during descent .
29 It is hardly surprising that the Largo of No. 88 , one of the loveliest slow movements that Haydn ever wrote , should encourage expansive treatment , but Kuijken makes it far too heavy , seriously holding up the flow of the great melody with overemphasis and exaggerated pauses , all made the more obtrusive without continuo .
30 It is hardly surprising that the members of UNTCOK felt exasperated and frustrated or that acrimony occurred between certain members and the American military government .
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