Example sentences of "it is [adv] certain that he " in BNC.

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1 A stranger , if he is prudent , will secure his share for it is not certain that he will be able to eat any thing else . ’ )
2 He was the last missioner to the deaf to be Chairman of the BDA , and it is virtually certain that he was the last hearing person to hold this office .
3 It is virtually certain that he was kadi of Bursa in 802/1400 , for there exist three documents of Bayezid I 's dated in that year which bear the signature of Molla Fenari as kadi of Bursa ; and that he was still kadi at least well into 804 is indicated by yet another document cited by Husameddin , the of the Inebeg b .
4 If he makes a will , as most men do , it is almost certain that he will set apart a considerable proportion for the saying of masses ; if he should neglect to do so , and in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it is regarded as almost a sin to die without making a will , the Church ought to make the provision which he has failed to make for his soul .
5 Ted Smith was a marvellous goalscorer for Crystal Palace on both sides of the Great War and , if that awful event had not reduced the impact of his career with us , it is almost certain that he and not Peter Simpson would have been our leading goalscorer of all time .
6 There is no record of John having been apprehended and/or fined at that time , but it is almost certain that he would be dealt with in some way .
7 It is almost certain that he would have had to take evasive action to miss Roddymoor 's houses and likely too that he tried to make a pond to douse the licking flames .
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