Example sentences of "it be hard for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At times , it 's hard for the romantic aspects of our job alone to sustain us .
2 Richard Baxter observed the truth of our Lord 's teaching that it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven , but the poor received the Gospel gladly .
3 More than anything else it has changed the public lifestyle of Catholicism for the ordinary churchgoer so that it is hard for the young actually to realize that thirty years ago Mass said wholly in Latin , including even a first reading of Epistle and Gospel , was simply taken for granted by most people .
4 Text c is intended for specific addressees , not for the general public , and it is hard for the general public to interpret without access to shared presuppositions and previous experience which can not comfortably be forced into the framework proposed by Lewis .
5 It was hard for the active trade unionist of the day to believe that W.P.Lind could combine the secretaryship of the London Seamen 's Protection Society with his role as Superintendent Registrar for the Port of London or that his organisation , with large numbers of members on its books but only a handful paying contributions , was not actually in the hands of the shipping interests .
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