Example sentences of "it be [adv] agree that [art] " in BNC.

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1 D The seller sells as beneficial owner but the seller transfer to the buyer shall contain the following proviso : " Provided Always and it is hereby agreed that the covenants which are implied by the seller transferring as beneficial owner shall not be deemed to imply or warrant that the lessee 's covenants contained in the lease for decoration or repairs have been observed . "
2 It is generally agreed that a reduction of at least 85 per cent in chlorine producing compounds is necessary to keep present atmospheric chlorine levels stable .
3 I think that it is generally agreed that a positive way forward is to have a partnership between farming and environmental interests .
4 Although psychics describe the aura differently ( according to their own level of psychic perception ) , it is generally agreed that the aura is composed of at least three layers or levels .
5 For many , this would be the natural choice anyway with or without government policy , and it is generally agreed that the ideals behind community care are good ones .
6 It is generally agreed that the conference market is growing by approximately 10 per cent per annum .
7 It is generally agreed that the primitive mammals existing at that time were shrew-like creatures that lived by eating insects , and that the various groups of mammals that we see today , such as cats , rats , monkeys , whales , and horses , all evolved from this unpromising ancestor .
8 It is generally agreed that the advent of The Sunday Correspondent and The Independent On Sunday combined with falling circulation figures to precipitate a full-blown identity crisis at The Observer .
9 It is generally agreed that the young long-term unemployed present particular and often unfamiliar problems in the field of social , educational and employment policy .
10 This was an effective method of recognition , but it is generally agreed that the method works only for highly constrained tasks .
11 Similarly , it is generally agreed that the discourse-deictic words like moreover , besides , anyway , well , etc. , in utterance-initial position , do not make any difference to truth conditions ( Grice , 1961 , 1975 ; Wilson , 1975 ) .
12 However , as long as this distinction is understood , it is generally agreed that the term ‘ pitch ’ is a convenient one to use informally to refer both to the subjective sensation and to the objectively measurable fundamental frequency .
13 It was obvious that the cause of the accident was totally unrelated to the facilities provided at Lusaka , yet it is internationally agreed that the State in which an accident occurs has the responsibility of instituting and conducting the investigation .
14 Much has been said and written as to how exactly the miracle is performed , but it is widely agreed that a relatively stable group of large general electronics companies in Japan did succeed in the 1970S and 1980S in being continuously innovative in terms of products and markets .
15 It is widely agreed that the lifetime reproductive success of individuals is the most satisfactory measure of fitness that it is usually possible to collect ( see Falconer , 1960 ; Cavalli-Sforza & Bodmer , 1961 ; Maynard Smith , 1969 ; Grafen , 1982 ) .
16 It is further agreed that the approach adopted by the court of appeal in the case of and incorporate of nineteen eighty nine , one queens bench page eight hundred and seventy eight , is that which I should adopt , er the person which seeks to persuade me that the percentage which I should apply should be four point five percent rather than the two percent used in that case by the court of appeal , he argues partly on the basis of er , evidence by Mr an architect who er , with the greatest respect to him , whilst I feel quite sure his architectural abilities are of the highest quality , I feel that as an economist he is perhaps er not more reliable than any other economist , er but er , Mr argues that er , recent falls in house prices show that houses are not the risk free inflation proof investments which the court of appeal assumed when and was decided .
17 It was eventually agreed that the company would be allowed an overdraft facility of £135,000 , reducing to £120,000 after three weeks .
18 It was eventually agreed that the issue of Li Un Hye would be dealt with separately from the normalization talks .
19 By early 1857 the protracted dispute with the Treasury was reaching a settlement , and on 16th March it was finally agreed that the five political departments should be increased to six , and a new class of assistant clerks should be appointed .
20 Last year , at the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund , it was generally agreed that the US deficit was less of a threat because it was on a downward path .
21 It was generally agreed that the churchyard of St Andrew 's was an exceptionally pleasant place .
22 It was generally agreed that the right to communicate was rarely upheld in African countries .
23 It was generally agreed that the right to communicate was rarely upheld in African countries .
24 As Gillespie remarks , even in Edinburgh , the craft unions were able to see to it that only union men worked Linotypes , and " by the end of the century , it was generally agreed that the effect of machines on employment had not been so bad as feared " .
25 In the late '20s and early '30s it was generally agreed that the two main treatment principles in coeliac disease were rest and diet .
26 It was generally agreed that the discussion session has been most valuable and that if possible at least one a year should be included in the Q.T. day programme .
27 It was generally agreed that the costs of cutting emissions would be economically impossible for them .
28 It was also agreed that the Committee would be formed of the Bondholders with Alfred Caldecott as Secretary ( pro tem ) and Mr J. C. Walker , the Manager of the Bank J. & C. Simonds , as Treasurer .
29 It was also agreed that the options for storage/retrieval of information in the long-term would be examined , based on the FAOR proposals to move towards a filly computerised storage system .
30 It was also agreed that the much-criticised programme to capture Sumatran rhinos for captive-breeding in American and Indonesian zoos will stop in November 1992 , when the present contract between the Sumatran Rhino Trust and PHPA expires .
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