Example sentences of "it be [prep] [art] [noun sg] decide " in BNC.

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1 It 's for the Parquet to decide how it wants to treat it .
2 The client should be advised of this , and at the same time that it is an undesirable feature of a leasehold estate : then it 's for the client to decide whether to proceed .
3 In cases of doubt it is for the court to decide whether a witness is an expert or not after considering his qualifications and experience .
4 It is for the court to decide the weight which should be given to statements which are not made on oath and can not be tested by cross-examination .
5 Where there is a conflict of views it is for the court to decide on the nature of the examination or assessment governed as always by the need to give paramount consideration to the child 's welfare .
6 It rejected the majority view in Attwood that , in employment cases , there existed a third consideration viz : it is for the court to decide in its discretion whether or not to treat the two restraints as separate or not .
7 It is for the individual to decide to what extent particular items constitute CPE , and to record on their CPE return those specific items .
8 Again , on the face of the statute , I can not see any reason why in this case the constable should do more than tell the driver the reason under section 7(3) why breath specimens can not be taken or used ; tell him that in these circumstances he is required to give a specimen of blood or urine but that it is for the constable to decide which ; warn him that a failure to provide the specimen required may render him liable to prosecution ; and then , if the constable decides to require blood , ask the driver if there are any reasons why a specimen can not or should not be taken from him by a doctor .
9 Thereafter , it is for the House to decide upon those recommendations .
10 But it is for the mother to decide whether she has pain relief .
11 Of course these ideas will not be explored on each occasion and it is for the teacher to decide when it is right to pursue the child 's interest .
12 It is for the tenant to decide whether it would wish such a provision to be included , possibly after discussion with its guarantor , and if so , the landlord 's consent would also be required .
13 But , within the limits laid down by that doctrine , it is for the power-holder to decide what to do .
14 The judge refused to grant an injunction , and said it was for the valuer to decide whether to proceed or not , and that the president of the RICS owed no duty to the parties not to make an appointment .
15 In his summing-up , the judge said it was for the jury to decide if Christopher How had been dishonest .
16 Held , allowing the appeal , that where a driver was required to provide a specimen of blood or urine for one of the reasons set out in section 7(3) of the Act of 1988 , or claimed the right to provide such a specimen under section 8(2) , the constable was required by section 7(4) to inform him that the specimen was to be of blood or urine and that it was for the constable to decide which ; but that there was no requirement to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine ; that if the constable intended to require a specimen of blood , the driver was to be given the right to object on medical grounds to be determined by a medical practitioner or , if the requirement had been made under section 7(3) , for some other reason affording a ‘ reasonable excuse ’ within section 7(6) of the Act ; and that , accordingly , the requirement for the defendant to provide a specimen of blood had complied with section 7(4) ( post , pp. 885G–H , 890D–G , 891A–D , 895B–E , H — 896A ) .
17 Of course , it was for the church to decide what constituted a spiritual or moral matter .
18 It was for the Roman to decide whether he would speak in Latin or in Greek to a Greek public — that is , with or without interpreter — and Aemilius Paulus could skilfully pass from one language to the other ( Liv .
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