Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] of patients [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As it is unknown whether measurement of serum pepsinogen C can help in the differentiation of patients with hyperpepsinogenaemia A , serum concentrations of both pepsinogens were determined in patient groups known to have an increased incidence of hyperpepsinogenaemia A.
2 These agents seem as effective as sulphasalazine in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis , and in the short term are less toxic .
3 SIR , — Protein-A immunoadsorption of plasma is effective in the treatment of patients with refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ( ITP ) .
4 ‘ We have to remark that there is no doubt that our present Medical Officer , whose experience is greater in the treatment of patients in modern hospitals than in union workhouses , would naturally like to have the sick treated in the same way as in a large hospital , but taking into consideration cases under treatment , which are mostly chronic , as well as the means at the disposal of the Guardians , we can not recommend any sweeping alterations .
5 Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies have recently been demonstrated in the seaa of patients with inflammatory bowel disease .
6 This study confirms that patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus have a marked degree of acid gastrooesophageal reflux , considerably exceeding that seen in the majority of patients with erosive oesophagitis without columnarisation .
7 The coexistence of hyperproliferation and colonic phenotypic expression in the reservoir of patients with ulcerative colitis and FAP , conditions with high rates of neoplastic change in the large intestine , has led some to suggest that neoplastic change is a significant risk in the reservoir mucosa .
8 In addition , junior psychiatrists should be able to get adequate experience of the care of attempted suicide patients to improve their skills both in the management of patients with psychosocial problems and , in particular , the evaluation of suicide risk .
9 It is , therefore , a useful and cost effective test in the management of patients with these symptoms .
10 We previously proposed that restorative proctocolectomy might have a role in the management of patients with continued constipation despite subtotal colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis if there was objective evidence of slow transit constipation .
11 Gold salts are highly effective in the management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis , most adverse reactions being mild and reversible .
12 We have reviewed our experience of exfoliative cytology in the management of patients with biliary tract strictures .
13 The results of tests carried out on patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia illustrate the limited role for tests of gastric emptying in the management of patients with symptoms not attributable to previous surgery .
14 The ability to detect symptomless arterial cerebral emboli may have major benefits in the management of patients with cerebrovascular disease , as shown by the following case report .
15 Pre-S1 and pre-S2 proteins are detectable in the serum of patients with acute and chronic hepatitis B virus infection when there is high levels of viral replication , and the clearance of these antigens from serum usually correlates with the prognosis of hepatitis B virus infection .
16 Most patients in group A showed greater immunostaining with big ET-1 than with ET-1 antisera , suggesting a predominance of precursor and providing evidence of increased local synthesis of ET-1 in the lung of patients with CFA .
17 In the group of patients with a resectable tumour ( n= 85 ) the mean ( SD ) length of the tumour was 4 ( 2 ) cm , and in the group with an irresectable tumour ( n=27 ) it was 6 ( 2 ) cm ( Mann-Whitney U test : p=0.003 ) .
18 When HAPCs were excluded fromthe propagated contractions there was no difference in the percentage of propagated and non-propagated contractions in the group of patients with and without constipation .
19 When mean fundic argyrophil cell densities in the group of patients with sporadic Zollinger-Ellison sydrome and that associated with MEN 1 were adjusted for sex , the difference almost reached statistical significance ( analysis of variance F=3.965 , p=0.06 ) ( Fig 1 ) .
20 Before treatment there were no differences between the cyclosporin and placebo groups in the number of patients with remission/mild colitis , 14/16 ( 88% ) v 9/10 ( 90% ) , and moderate colitis , 2/16 ( 12% ) v 1/10 ( 10% ) .
21 Although mean TSF increased significantly in the PEN group , this improvement is likely to be clinically irrelevant as no differences were found in the number of patients with abnormal TSF values before and after the trial .
22 There was no significant difference in the number of patients with chronic duodenitis ( 11 receiving NSAIDs and 10 not receiving NSAIDs ) .
23 During the 11 years the numbers of residents in NHS geriatric and psychiatric beds fell by 41% ; this fall was partly compensated for by a 37% rise in the number of patients in acute beds .
24 Although a change to lumen negativity would be expected with active anion secretion our results are in accordance with those of Sachar , who found marked accumulation of water and electrolytes in the intestine of patients with cholera without alteration of the transmural potential difference in the small bowel .
25 Firstly , phagocytes are prominent in the mucosa of patients with active inflammatory bowel disease and can produce ROM via both the respiratory burst and prostaglandin and leukotriene metabolism .
26 It has also been suggested that manometry is only worthwhile in the investigation of patients with non-cardiac chest pain .
27 Routine blood tests of renal function and liver function and clotting studies are unhelpful in the investigation of patients with iron deficiency anaemia .
28 Both endobiliary biopsy and endobiliary fine needle aspiration cytology are likely to establish a role in the investigation of patients in whom a tissue diagnosis is elusive by standard methods .
29 Although these situations are contrived , the learner gains valuable experience in the care of patients with orthopaedic problems .
30 The nurse 's role in the care of patients throughout their stay in the surgical ward is crucial to the outcome of the operation .
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