Example sentences of "in danger [prep] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , he is in danger of slipping into a wholly cultural ( and Marxist ) determinism .
2 She had no prospect of a job and , without even a roof over her head , she was an automatic candidate for cardboard city — the community of derelicts who survive on the capital 's streets , in danger of sinking into a subculture of drugs and crime .
3 Physical geography in general , and geomorphology in particular , could be in danger of developing into a science which does not even attempt understanding of such basic mechanics and principles , partly by analogy with the decline of positivism in human geography .
4 Can I , Mr Donson and I are in danger of getting into a game of seeing who can next pick the most relevant bit out of a P P G.
5 Robyn asked coolly , aware that this was in danger of turning into a real humdinger of a slanging match — if it had n't achieved that status already !
6 The hon. Gentleman is in danger of becoming like a vulture scavenging around every incident , irrespective of the facts and of the accusations that he makes against other people .
7 Life on the island was in danger of coming to a standstill .
8 Despite these embassy warnings matters seemed in danger of coming to a head early in 1951 .
9 ‘ Our British reputation for ribbing ourselves is in danger of degenerating into an uncharacteristic meanness of spirit . ’
10 With rumours circulating that the club is in danger of folding after a century of existence following the destruction of their Normanby Road headquarters , press officer Les Crossman said : ‘ We are adamant that the club will keep going , even though we have no money .
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