Example sentences of "in the majority [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As is the case in the majority of countries in the world , none of the countries in the Common Market ( with the exception of Southern Ireland ) recognizes venereology or genito-urinary medicine as a distinct specialty .
2 Once sown or planted , herbs will grow strongly and healthily to maturity in the majority of cases without help , except while seedlings or young plants , but even so the help needed will be minimal .
3 In the majority of cases of late congenital syphilis the condition is in a latent phase , and it may be difficult to decide whether the infection is congenital or acquired .
4 The diagnosis of gonorrhoea in man can thus be confirmed in the majority of cases within the time it takes to stain and examine a slide of urethral discharge from the penis — a matter of some fifteen or twenty minutes .
5 ‘ requiring a seat belt ’ This can be proved in the majority of cases by showing that the vehicle was a normal saloon car being fitted with approved seat belts .
6 This point can be proved in the majority of cases by the observations of the reporting officer .
7 In the development of illness , therefore , a combination of external and internal factors is involved in the majority of cases in the production of the original imbalance , and this imbalance can occur on any level , depending on the main thrust of the external stress .
8 Well , Ian Smith Ryedale , I think in the majority of views across from the ring road you have a belt of open countryside before that suburban housing .
9 These circumstances will arise in the majority of instances of expert determination .
10 This study confirms that patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus have a marked degree of acid gastrooesophageal reflux , considerably exceeding that seen in the majority of patients with erosive oesophagitis without columnarisation .
11 Despite the growing numbers taking part in higher education , women are still under-represented in the majority of jobs with any claim to status and responsibility .
12 In contrast , in the majority of animals with Type II , the diarrhoea is often intermittent and anorexia and thirst are usually present .
13 It is used in the majority of microcomputers on sale in Britain .
14 Sometimes called moulding icing , fondant is used in the majority of recipes in this book .
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