Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] period [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the back of the taxi he snuffled contentedly at some ( he thought ) particularly witty riposte he had made to some piece of boyish impertinence from 3B in the final period of the day .
2 The options of speed or prudence are entirely open to the manager of a school in the immediate period after the introduction of the 1988 Education Reform Act .
3 It was recognized in the Carolingian period by the author of the Life of Wulfram of Sens , who thought that the Frisian leader Radbod preferred to be with his ancestors in hell rather than alone in heaven .
4 ‘ It appears that consumers are already returning to the high street and are also beginning to consider major financial decisions which were postponed in the uncertain period before the election , ’ said Dr Brian Bailey , Infolink chairman .
5 ‘ It appears that consumers are already returning to the high street and are beginning to consider major financial decisions , which were postponed in the uncertain period before the election , ’ he said .
6 In the early period of the application of the formula , Oxford RHA was rapidly brought down to RAWP target levels and Merseyside RHA brought up .
7 High inflation rates in the early period of the Wilson government settled it : new primary roads for London could not be afforded .
8 This is a reduction in the quantity of work done in the relevant period by the same resources .
9 An extreme case , now long forgotten , is the appeal of the passionately non-ethnic Bolshevik party in the revolutionary period to the inhabitants of what has become Latvia .
10 But in Britain , with its strong governmental impulse as created in the Victorian period in the aftermath of the 1855 Northcote-Trevelyan report , with the British faith in the educated , patrician ‘ expert ’ which kindled the support of American progressives and ‘ genteel reformers ’ in the previous century , the decline of planning and the loss of confidence in the effectiveness of social engineering had a deep cultural impact .
11 Protracted industrial decline since the 1920s , accelerated in the postwar period by the closure of the docks , had produced all the symptoms of a depressed inner-city area which , according to a government survey using a range of socioeconomic indicators , was the second most deprived urban borough in the country ( Department of the Environment 1983 ) .
12 A different expression of a roughly similar tendency can be seen in the fact that the total production of books in Russia during the years 1762–1800 was about three and a half times that in the entire period from the introduction of printing down to 1761 .
13 The ANC , while welcoming the plan for the constitution to be drafted by an elected body , rejected other aspects of the proposals which it believed left the government as " both player and referee " in the first period of the transition .
14 Richard Hodges has drawn attention to the beginnings of this process in the post-Roman period with the establishment of emporia .
15 The independent head or bust is not a sculptural type known to the Greeks ( except in the special case of the Herm , below p. 119 ) ; and the common copying in the Roman period of the heads alone from Greek statues shows a failure of understanding .
16 We have calculated the p value for each patient ( 28 ) admitted in the next period of the study using the grade of encephalopathy , the absolute value of prothrombin time at the admission and the number of blood units transfused within the 72 hours after admission .
17 Likewise there might be a progressive increase in the free-running period of the body clock as we pass through the sequence : ‘ slightly an owl ’ , ‘ definitely an owl ’ , Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome , free-running rhythm in normal society .
18 Lehzen was the greatest single influence , and that for good , in the formative period of the character of the lonely , little-loved princess .
19 He soon made his mark in encouraging activities within the Hall such as debates , musical performances , a water colour painting group and culminating in an annual outdoor play in the post-exam period in the attractive gardens of the Hall .
20 The trade union rates so jealously guarded in the inter-war period by the Association became little more than the minimum wage of the 1950s , producing salaries insufficient to attract the ambitious tour operator and dynamic advertising manager and leading in turn to a failure to compete effectively .
21 Daly stressed the narrowness of most reefs and showed , from examples where the rate of reef growth is known , that there had been ample time in the Post-glacial period for the growth of modern reefs .
22 Given the enormous upheavals in all areas from 1917 onwards and the consequent stirring up and obscuring of peasant reactions , the clearest historical clues oh this question may be gleaned from peasant elections and behaviour in the quieter period of the State Dumas .
23 It is no doubt an old road , though no older than most , whose importance developed in the medieval period as the main route between Oxford and Banbury .
24 The 0.1% productivity rise in the first six months of this recession compares with an average fall of 1.2% ( at an annual rate ) in the same period of the past four recessions .
25 But he was in a sense revivified : his heart withstood the weakening effect of his illnesses much better than it had done in the same period of the previous year , and this was the first winter for some time when he had not been forced to seek treatment in a clinic .
26 But the £117 million operating profit in this sector in the last quarter of 1992 was 27 per cent higher than in the same period of the previous year .
27 The factory labour force fell by 16.6 per cent in the same period after the main recession , because the growth of productivity outstripped that of output , which was only 29.5 per cent .
28 However little detailed research has been undertaken into how these innovations were developed and implemented , and this project will make use of the unique Company Archive of the Thomas cook organisation to investigate the detailed circumstances of product development in a crucial period of the Company 's development from 1850 to 1939 , during which the foundations of the modern tourist industry were laid .
29 In a quiet period after the end of the Second World War in 1945 the Secretary of Commissions , responsible for the appointment of the lay magistracy over the country as a whole , found that days passed when no letter came into his office and no letter went out .
30 ‘ Todor Zhivkov was involved in a painful period for the Communist Party , ’ said an official statement .
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