Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun] [prep] [adj] days " in BNC.

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1 Prosecuting uneducated deaf people with no speech , and accepting what they said in their defence in those days was however a different matter altogether from allowing the same people to go into the witness box and testify against other people .
2 They had food in their saddlebags for two days , and the pack mules carried grain and hay for the horses , there being little forage in the hills the patrol would traverse for the first two days .
3 As the ambulance left the scene , neighbours , who had been kept shut in their houses for two days , began to emerge into the sunshine .
4 One lawyer cited one of the first such cases to be heard in Scotland : ‘ At one point the tribunal took the case by the scruff of the neck and told the claimants to put in their claim within 14 days and gave the other side the same amount of time for their defences .
5 Opposition forces had ignored Gamsakhurdia 's Oct. 1 ultimatum to hand in their weapons within two days .
6 MOTHER-of-two Wendy Pearce was trapped in her home for two days by a ram in her garden .
7 She was n't perfect ; she had a temper , and children who got in her way on bad days were liable to get clouted ; but she was as normal as daylight and , for all her temper , the nicest person Ruth knew .
8 When a woman has a discharge of blood which is her regular discharge from her body , she shall be in her impurity for seven days , and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening .
9 When he proposed to her on the last night I think she took him because , having been in her room for seven days , she 'd met nobody else and could n't bear to see her investment wasted . ’
10 When she was about three months pregnant , and feeling totally rejected by everyone , she got into a very depressed state , staying in her room for several days without moving , wondering if this was what it was like to be dead .
11 It was in its infancy in those days and I noticed that whenever David did a show for them , they dressed the set with every conceivable brightly coloured object , with the result you could hardly see him .
12 MONDAY : With the qualifying match against Poland imminent , England 's World Cup aspirations are raised when Bryan Robson , out with a fracture in his leg for 10 days , is unexpectedly named in Manchester United 's squad for Tuesday 's Littlewoods Cup tie against Portsmouth .
13 The prisoner , a negro stevedore called Augustus Ciparis , remained locked up in his cell for four days after St Pierre had been laid waste , without food , half-dead from burns and shock , until his cries for help were heard by two negroes picking through the ruins of the town .
14 Then she said , ‘ I stayed in his house for five days .
15 May th the Corinthian spirit continue in our sport for many days to come .
16 An alien who was brought from the wreckage in a container to the Mill Hill Medical Research Centre survived in our atmosphere for three days , five hours and twenty-five minutes .
17 ‘ It must be in our hands within seven days , ’ one of the men wearing the gold rings insisted angrily .
18 Well the , the bed , there were no spring beds in , that came into my life until many years after , were the old straw palliasses , which were really more hygienic to sleep on than your spring beds , because you get the lumbar trouble with a straw palliasses cos it was just hip firm , I give you an instance I used to , as I was growing older I used to fold my trousers and put them under the mattress to press my trousers so I 'd always got a nice crease in my trousers , they were so solid that er you got y you did n't even get any wrinkles in your trousers in those days .
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