Example sentences of "a fully [verb] and [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 , an experienced Lower Primary Teacher with specialist Nursery qualifications , is in charge of our Nursery and leads a fully trained and committed team which consists of two Teachers and two Nursery Nurses .
2 Tyner 's achievement here is that , while all the tracks here are largely improvisations ( or at least spontaneous ) , and each is imbued with Tyner 's own sense of the appropriate ( including thundering chords in All the Things you are , for example ! ) , each has a fully rounded and selfcontained form .
3 The typical tutor-librarian premise , that the library matters and that an understanding use of it is crucial to a fully rounded and successful education , received its most dramatic promotion in the United States in the 19605 with the growth of the Library-College movement .
4 Nevertheless , the breakdown is not seen by Marx as a fully determined and automatic consequence of capitalist economic development ; on the contrary , as Nicolaus ( 1972 , p. 328 ) has observed , Marx 's theory of the breakdown is characterized by ‘ its great latitude and flexibility ’ .
5 It inculcates a national consciousness which undermines a fully developed and international class consciousness .
6 Design really only takes place from the conception of an idea through to when it can be seen as a fully developed and workable solution .
7 a fully informed and supportive user community for the products of all information technology systems .
8 It was only during the 1980s that it was finally laid to rest , enabling BR to run a fully modernised and streamlined freight system .
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