Example sentences of "a highly [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pat provided his usual catholic selection of medium grade and hard routes for the area , but last minute enquiries elicited that The Anvil is now a highly regarded three star V. Diff , so that was a late entry .
2 He may indeed be relatively unweaned and improvident like his hunter-gatherer forefathers , but the reality is that he lives in a highly regulated agricultural economy in which the largely uninhibited oral and anal-sadistic drives of the hunter-gatherer are subject to strict state-control .
3 Discipline was the new feature of the Benthamesque industrial-age prison , whereby the inmate was ‘ normalized ’ or schooled into conformity by constant surveillance and the imposition of a highly regulated physical routine including repetitive forced labour .
4 If you want a highly paid industrial job with a lot of responsibility you 've got to do a science degree .
5 Philip Ndegwa is a highly respected former governor of the Central Bank of Kenya .
6 Finally , there are two ‘ naturalistic ’ conductors who apparently effortlessly allow the work to unfold in a way which becomes increasingly satisfying upon repetition : Kubelik on DG ( only available as part of a highly recommended ten-CD set of the complete symphonies ) , and now Haitink , whose new BPO version can safely be said to supersede his earlier Concertgebouw version .
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