Example sentences of "a couple [prep] [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Even with the other symptoms , the loss of a couple of pounds in a week seemed fine .
2 putting a couple of scientists into a room and say , Find It .
3 Funnily enough , I felt better after a couple of pints at a pub in Maida Vale ; you know , the trendy one among Guardian readers which has the really stupid long name and brews its own beer in the cellar .
4 It is probably best to use just a couple of sounds at a time — or work alone !
5 It is probably best to use just a couple of sounds at a time — or work alone
6 He 'd put a couple of maggots on a small hook .
7 Er he suffered a couple of wounds as a ma as a matter of fact .
8 Can you spare a couple of hours on a Tuesday morning six times a year ?
9 Has anyone said to you ‘ It will not take up much of your time , only a couple of hours on a Friday evening ’ ?
10 On Friday we 're playing for a couple of hours with a few suprise guests one had considerably more hair than the rest of the band put together .
11 Then they ( the police ) would lock me up for a couple of hours at a time but I did n't get charged until I was 15 . ’
12 I 'm more like Cinderella , are n't I , having a couple of hours at a ball before she returns to the dishes ? ’
13 Most users would then have to wait only a couple of hours for a new telephone .
14 The second and third weekend I get to the lake just before daybreak armed with a pair of binoculars and settle down for a couple of hours in a spot which gives me a good view of all , or most , of the water .
15 ‘ I had a couple of hours in a bone-shaker of a fur-lined mini-van ! ’
16 I 'd just get a couple of bags for a Saturday night or whatever and then eventually I just got into it deeper and deeper .
17 Sometimes the wood is pre-oiled , but if you buy one which has n't been , rub it over a couple of times with a rag soaked in linseed oil and leave it aside to dry .
18 Sometimes the wood is pre-oiled , but if you buy one which has n't been , rub it over a couple of times with a rag soaked in linseed oil and leave it aside to dry .
19 The pin is inserted into the device , its facing plate placed against the wall , and a couple of taps with a hammer on the plunger drive the pin into the wall .
20 Binyon took a hunting-flask from his jacket pocket and poured a couple of inches into a styrofoam cup .
21 There will already be a couple of chaps in a patrol car down a side street as a matter of course .
22 And when he comes out of hospital , it 's like they 've forgotten he exists — just a couple of visits from a nurse .
23 From where I 'm sitting ( in a Paris café as it happens , pal , limbering up for the days 500cl — I mean 500 word slog ) , a rest in that sense would take the form of a couple of shifts in a Bolivian tin mine — and Club Med do n't fly there .
24 I had already done a couple of jumpers for a largish lady , so I embarked on the back of the third .
25 When she later climbed into bed , though , she was human enough to have found — out of all the unpleasantness that had gone on — a couple of things of a complimentary nature .
26 After the cinema he had tea , walked the streets for an hour , had a couple of Guinnesses in a pub to keep out the sharp evening air , and ate a biriani .
27 Felicity raided her father 's cellar for a couple of bottles of an excellent Chateau Margaux .
28 Filled with a gentle and breadpaste mixture , with a couple of gentles on a number twelve hook , I think it 'd be a cert for bream . ’
29 And I remind this council of something I said a few years ago of an incident , incident concerning the Atherstone hunt in my ward where the hounds attacked the dogs of , a couple of dogs of a constituent of mine in his back garden totally uncontrolled , they were running amuck right across land in Ellistown this is nothing the hunt could do nothing the hunt tried to do they were too busy off still dashing ahead chasing the fox or what they thought was a fox .
30 Ram a couple of kidneys into a perfectly good bottle of vodka , and give it to him .
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