Example sentences of "a certain number of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The quantum uncertainty principle and the random thermal motions of the atoms would mean that there were a certain number of errors in the reproduction .
2 This situation of mutual exclusion was found to be the case in a certain number of sentences in our corpus .
3 A particular exercise should be repeated only a certain number of times during any one session , otherwise , the dog will become bored .
4 you see , we used to when old shoes do you see , you could only use them a certain number of times by welding them up
5 I make a habit of sending a certain number of cases of wine each year to individuals at any level of the company who have done something which I have come across which seems to be particularly meritorious .
6 The University 's funding in future will come through a contract , awarded by the Universities Funding Council , to teach a certain number of students in certain subjects for certain prices .
7 The moreover , includes mention of a certain number of scholars of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries who were known chiefly as muftis : for example , Molla Bahaeddin omer and the three following scholars , all listed under the ulema of the time of Bayezid I , about none of whom , however , is much more information given than that " he was consulted in matters [ involving ] fetvas in his time " ( Taskopruzade ) or " he became mufti " and , indeed , in the case of these scholars it is simply not deducible in what way they were recognized as muftis , whether simply by popular acclaim or rather by some sort of official recognition .
8 He had a certain number of men-at-arms in the town , who could , probably , contain a revolt of the townsfolk , at least for a little while .
9 Well because if , if we got , if we say you 've got a certain number of members of staff , and each full time equivalent offers you two hundred and twenty two point eight working days a year .
10 Cubitt 's greatest savagery was reserved for the ‘ Meeting-House Gallery ’ ’ which he described as ‘ about the crudest attempt ever made at providing seats for a certain number of people over the heads of the rest ’ , a ‘ failure practically , and a horror artistically ’ , ‘ uncouth ’ and a ‘ gigantic misfit ’ .
11 So decide to meet a certain number of people for so many minutes each day , and gradually increase this over six months .
12 Later , after Picasso had denied any knowledge of African art in the Enquête sur l'Art Négre conducted by the review Action in 1920 , Paul Guillaume , the first Parisian art-dealer to become interested in African and other primitive sculptures as works of art , wrote : ‘ Picasso owns a certain number of pieces of very different origins ; he makes a pretence of attaching no importance to their chronology . ’
13 All that was needed was to measure a certain number of coefficients of elasticity , viscosity , conductivity , etc .
14 Once we have a sampling frame , we can select a certain number of names from it .
15 He would make me look at pictures and then reproduce them with coloured pencils , or else ask me to rotate a figure mentally a certain number of degrees around a given perpendicular before attempting to redraw it .
16 Agency laboratories can process only a certain number of samples at any given time and organize the taking of samples to produce a steady and predictable flow .
17 There is a story that they bet him a substantial sum that he could not read a certain number of books of the Bible without talking .
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