Example sentences of "a lot of [noun sg] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I remember being podgy , no make-up , an unsmart lady but I made a lot of noise and he seemed to like that . ’
2 You may need a lot of confidence a lot of support and you might even need some help looking after your children if they 're quite young .
3 ‘ It brought me a lot of luck and I hope it brings her just as much . ’
4 Well our pits there 's a lot of water but it 's , it 's mostly body sweat and s I do get some water off a , a machine that I drive .
5 But he 's had a lot of space and he 's by and large used it very very well .
6 Jimmy had a lot of flair but it did n't help him win . ’
7 They 're they you they 're all worked you know sandpapered and polished that 's rough , what they call rough work and then you gradually go onto the maybe staining and the just quite a lot of oak and there 's quite a lot of mahogany and walnut .
8 They do not necessarily have a lot of money but they do expect good value and a broad service .
9 It seems a lot of money but it 's not to the man who 's prepared to pay it
10 Plenty of people are making a lot of money but it 's not me .
11 could have said No it 'll cost a lot of money or something .
12 Everybody 's shop was making a lot of money and we just could n't bear the thought of us all getting like the rest of the industry .
13 It 's a lot of money and we 've got children over here who need it spending on them
14 ‘ It 's a lot of money and we can not simply say we are not interested , ’ he added .
15 ‘ We have not got a lot of money and we have got to just get on with the job of trying to sort things out on the field .
16 Sales promotion is typical of this in that it need not cost a lot of money and its success can be clearly evaluated in terms of turnover and profit objectives . ’
17 Aye well this man that I ke know he had quite a lot of money and he just gave a six pence to the kirk , and he had always plenty of money when he died .
18 He earned a lot of money and he save it , he then bought a British car .
19 And he was a student at the time and he had n't got a lot of money and he took what was it she said ?
20 Mr Temple said O'Shea later made a series of ‘ bizarre ’ comments , including that ‘ after I died on the Cross my soul was sold , I believe , for a lot of money and I served the devil in Hell .
21 I 'll tell you … you 're jealous , because they get a lot of money and you do n't have any !
22 When one goes , it 's quite a lot of money and you feel it .
23 The the only job which I told Neil I do not expect him to take is working for waste disposal because he did that , this time last year and before he started he was full of big talk about you make a lot of money and you get a lot of tips at Christmas he found that you do not make a lot of money and you do not get generous tips at Christmas
24 The the only job which I told Neil I do not expect him to take is working for waste disposal because he did that , this time last year and before he started he was full of big talk about you make a lot of money and you get a lot of tips at Christmas he found that you do not make a lot of money and you do not get generous tips at Christmas
25 ‘ He said : ‘ You are going to be given a lot of money and your life is safe . ’
26 ‘ He said : ‘ You are going to be given a lot of money and your life is safe . ’
27 It turned out that Cedric was getting rather a lot of meat and I drew up a little chart cutting down the protein and adding extra carbohydrates .
28 I do n't wear a lot of make-up or anything like that so it does n't take me long — probably about 10 minutes or so .
29 Local negotiators like me take a lot of stick and I 'm just gon na pass that stick straight on to you , because my members tell me all the time , I pay one thirty five a week , well so do I .
30 Evergreen Gordon Strachan added his vote too , saying : ‘ He has taken a lot of stick and I know that feeling ; that sick-to-your stomach feeling after a costly mistake , like a missed penalty .
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