Example sentences of "a lot of [noun sg] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It brought me a lot of luck and I hope it brings her just as much . ’
2 And I have a job which involves quite a lot of travel so I am not too restricted about where I live .
3 ‘ When Boon began , I felt guilty about earning a lot of money so I became a soft touch for begging letters and charity appeals , ’ he said .
4 ‘ I do n't have a lot of money when I come home and my parents , who are both on income support , are basically keeping me during holidays . ’
5 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
6 I could s I I even though it might make me a lot of money because I know that if I got if I made a dozen phone calls and did n't get any deals I 'd be out there wanting play the er I would n't trust myself .
7 Mr Temple said O'Shea later made a series of ‘ bizarre ’ comments , including that ‘ after I died on the Cross my soul was sold , I believe , for a lot of money and I served the devil in Hell .
8 It turned out that Cedric was getting rather a lot of meat and I drew up a little chart cutting down the protein and adding extra carbohydrates .
9 The ideal should be a circular seat but I felt it would take a considerable amount of timber with a lot of waster so I opted for an hexagonal shape .
10 I when I see him when I see , George does a lot of housekeeping when I see him clearing the bed I say oh goodness look book .
11 Local negotiators like me take a lot of stick and I 'm just gon na pass that stick straight on to you , because my members tell me all the time , I pay one thirty five a week , well so do I .
12 Evergreen Gordon Strachan added his vote too , saying : ‘ He has taken a lot of stick and I know that feeling ; that sick-to-your stomach feeling after a costly mistake , like a missed penalty .
13 ‘ Unemployment is very likely to cause people a lot of stress and I feel quite concerned about how depressed friends can become when unemployed .
14 I had a lot of hassle cos I was mixing it up with D R DOS .
15 ‘ I received a lot of abuse when I left Brookside , not ME personally but in a way just as bad .
16 I 'VE been told I retain a lot of moisture when I eat .
17 There is quite a lot of activity as I come over the hill .
18 ‘ I came in for a lot of criticism but I know in my heart that the good things I did there were very conveniently swept under the carpet at the time . ’
19 ‘ It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it , ’ said Jon of Kilton , Notts .
20 ‘ The children are having a lot of fun and I suspect before the week is out they will know more about the EEC than most adults , ’ said Mrs Henderson .
21 Erm , we wo , I would wish to thank Vera cos it 's a lot of work for erm , a lot of worry and I do hope that you all enjoyed it .
22 I get a lot of help and I 'm very grateful but somehow it does n't seem to add up to a great deal .
23 Jamie has a lot of skill and I 'm pleased to give him this opportunity . ’
24 It is true there was a lot of housework but I used to be very lonely .
25 One can think of a number of cases which are coming before the courts where there 's been a lot of publicity and I 'm sure that the legal teams involved in those cases will be studying this judgement er and will be considering whether or not those principles ca n't be applied to their cases .
26 It was really only a very small group of students involved , but they got a lot of publicity and I think over the last few years it 's changed quite a lot .
27 Keith has a lot of talent and I think David used to go to him and Keith would rearrange the songs and make them sound good with his bass lines .
28 BELOW Dawn and I used to watch a lot of television while I was training her , but she was always easily distracted — she 's obviously much more interested in what the photographer is doing .
29 But I 'm able to get quite a lot of information and I 'm saying this because you too can get it .
30 I interspersed my self-portraits throughout the collection and they gave the whole thing a lot of impact if I do say so myself .
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